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webMathematica 3 upgrade includes latest Mathematica features
Wolfram|Alpha, our new computational knowledge engine, is developed and deployed entirely in webMathematica. webMathematica makes the calculations performed by Wolfram|Alpha possible by allowing users to tap into Mathematica's computational and graphic abilities without having Mathematica experience or instal... 16 Sep 2009 06:13
Best Graphing Calculator for Symbolic Algebra and Calculus?
Hello Folks, I'm wondering what calculator would be the best thing to have when I don't have access to Mathematica. I'm looking at the HP 50g and TI-89. I tend to like the HP 50g because it can be used in RPN (reverse polish notation) or algebraic entry mode. Also, it has an SD card slot so memory can be expa... 15 Sep 2009 04:36
Two Axis DateListPlot
Further to my post, here is a two axis DateListPlot. This is based on the TwoAXisListPlot code that floats around this group, which I believe originated from WRI tech support. The use of Frame->True breaks AbsoluteOptions (Ticks.FrameTicks) for many types of plots so by setting Axes->True, Frame->False we can get t... 14 Sep 2009 07:26
Offline use of Paclets
Hi, Is there a way to force Mathematica 7 to load full set of paclets for further offline use? If I know that some time I will not have access to Internet but I will need use paclet data (e.g. GraphData[]), what command I should use for loading ALL paclet-files associated with GraphData[] and storing them offline?... 26 Sep 2009 06:59
Output of TraditionalForm for Exp
Diff Eqn: 1/a^2 D[T[t],t] + b D[T[t],t] + c^2 T[t] == 0 Solution to this gives the following in TraditionalForm = output:....V7.01.... C1 Exp[1/2 t (a^2 (-b) - a Sqrt[a^2 b^2 -4 c^2])] + C2 e^(1/2 t (Sqrt[a^2 b^2 -4 c^2] - a^2 b)]) ..... where the second part, i.e. e^( )...the exponent part, ( ) , is ac... 15 Sep 2009 04:36
how to get the longest ordered sub sequence of a
data = RandomInteger[{0, 9}, 50] {1,9,6,7,9,8,2,2,2,1,4,0,9,9,9,2,8,2,8,0,1,4,4,3,4,9,9,4,2,6,9,4,9,8,4,3,9,4,0,5,1,7,2,0,7,2,6,2,1,6} Select[sdata = Split[data, #2 < #1 &], Length[#] == Max[Length /@ sdata] &] {{9, 8, 4, 3}} Select[sdata = Split[data, #2 <= #1 &], Length[#] == Max[Length /@ sdata] ... 11 Sep 2009 06:14
Graphics > Drawing Tools > Get Coordinates Snow Leopard puzzlement
Refs: - Mathematica 7.0.1 - Mac OSX 10.6 "Snow Leopard" - MacBook Pro Trackpad When I select a graphic and engage the Get Coordinates tool - from the 2D Drawing palette or the keyboard (.) - clicking to measure the cursor position blanks the graphic with opaque orange of the shade Mathematica uses to highli... 10 Sep 2009 08:00
MathematicaMark7: slow core i7/xeon matrix multiplication
Hi, I ran the MathematicaMark7 benchmark on my computer with a Xeon W3520 2.66GHz processor (I think more or less the same as the core i7) and windows xp 64 and found my computer is more than twice as slow on matrix multiplication as a similar system with the older Xeon E5410 at 2.33GHz. My score was 2.45sec, ... 9 Sep 2009 05:15
Bug with Integrate in v7?
Okay it took me an hour to track this down, and the only explanation I can see is that there is a bug in Mathematica v7 with Integral[] with multiple bounds. In v7.0 (answers should both be 512/27, only one of them is): In[1]:= f = (x - 1)^2*(y - 1)^2*(z - 1)^2; Integrate[f, {x, -1, 1}, {y, -1, 1}, {z, -1, 1}]... 13 Sep 2009 08:27
inconsistent synatx for FillingStyle and PlotStyle? or How to make vertical lines in ListPlot have diffenent colors?
Problem: Make a ListPlot, and have each Point be a different color. Solution: Use Directive ListPlot[{{{1, 1}}, {{2, 3}}}, PlotStyle -> {Directive[Red], Directive[Blue]}, AxesOrigin -> {0, 0}] Problem : Make a ListPlot, but with vertical lines, and have each line be a different color. You would exp... 9 Sep 2009 05:15
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