From: Nilesh on

Hoping the following may be useful get fopen to work.

The code first gave fid=-1 (means file not read). Then it was fid=3 (means file read), but was returning zero value.

I have created a matrix of file names. And was trying to open the files using the names form this matrix (all placed in same directory). The following worked:

h = char(file_matrix(x,y))
data=textscan(fid, '%f %s')

The fopen did not need any quotes.


matthew.betti(a) wrote in message <413d9aa4-7b96-4b39-8ebf-1073ecf3e138(a)>...
> Hello,
> I'm relatively new to Matlab. I'm attempting to import many files,
> apply a function to them, then export them to a different directory
> but I would like them to have the same filename as the individual
> input files. I'm attempting to use textscan to import, but Matlab
> gives the files fid= -1 then tells me that the fid is invalid. The
> code I have written for this is as follows:
> files=dir(*.dat);
> for k=3:10
> fname=files(k).name
> fid = fopen(fname,'r')
> C = textscan(fid, '%f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f
> %f','delimiter',',','headerlines', 8);
> is there something I am missing here that it returns a fid of -1?
> Also is there a similar process for exporting multiple files in the
> same fashion as they have been imported?
> Thanks for the help!