From: Hayek on
xxein wrote:
> On Jun 28, 3:48 pm, CfCS
> <nore...(a)> wrote:
>> This 49 pages /Research/ draft analyzes the
>> internal consistency of different quantum theories
>> of electrodynamics, their compatibility with
>> quantum mechanics, and their confrontation with
>> experiments and observations.
>> The theories considered are: relativistic quantum
>> electrodynamics - both "field" and "spacetime"
>> formulations-; Stefanovich relativistic quantum
>> dynamics; and St�ckelberg, Horwitz, &amp; Piron
>> action-at-a-distance quantum theory.
>> This /Research/ report extends, to the quantum
>> domain, the classical results obtained before (PRE
>> 1997, 53, 5373; PRE 1998, 57, 3683; CSR:20093) and
>> shows that *(i)* the assertions that relativistic
>> quantum electrodynamics reduces to quantum
>> mechanics as well as *(ii)* the assertion that the
>> static-field-low-velocity relativistic equations
>> are identical to the Schr�dinger equation of motion
>> do not hold up on close inspection. For instance,
>> the Coulombian quantum potential operator phi =
>> phi\(R\(t\)\) cannot be reproduced by the field
>> potential operators (\ab v)phi = (\ab v)phi\((\ab
>> v)x, (\ab v)t\) of relativistic quantum
>> electrodynamics in any limit. It is also explained
>> that some observational difficulties of
>> relativistic quantum theories -such as the
>> localization of elementary particles- are related
>> to their lack of compatibility with quantum
>> mechanics. Among the theories revised, only that
>> proposed by St�ckelberg, Horwitz, & Piron reduces
>> to quantum mechanics.
>> One of the main findings of this /Research/ report
>> is that the theories revised belong to one of two
>> /incompatible classes/, extending and generalizing
>> the incompatibility between relativistic quantum
>> electrodynamics and quantum mechanics first
>> denounced by Dirac. The main /pros/ and /cons/ for
>> each kind are presented.
>> Finally, this /Research/ report introduces the new
>> *post-relativistic* quantum theory and discusses
>> its possibilities and advantages over current
>> theories.
>> This draft is being reviewed by a number of experts
>> in quantum theory, particle physics, St�ckelberg
>> relativistic dynamics, and others.
>> This /Research/ draft may be downloaded from
>> ################## FULL NEWS AND BLOG
>> ##################
> xxein: So it tells you that one or the other is
> wrong. Include SRT and GRT along with that.
> I couldn't tell you what is right, but a good
> examination of it all does not really favor any
> theoretical composition among the 2+2 choices.
> We need a theory that can transpose micro and macro
> observations to every extent.

Macroscopically, we now that when an object is at rest
it stays at rest. When it moves, it keeps moving.
Inertia controls this behavior.

It is quite easy to see that when you do not move over a
large enough distance, at a speed fast enough, or with
enough mass, that inertia does not kick in. De formula
is distance*speed*mass > hbar/2 or inertia refuses to
work.(Heisenberg uncertainty equation). Thus, within
those limits an object does pretty well what it likes.
And since it has no inertia, *nothing* can be measured.

Quantum mechanics is the study of what happens when
these two worlds touch each other, as quantum mechanics
deals with measurements, and observable quantities,
which are on the inertial side.

Relativity tells us that inertia is the most important
measure in physics, as it influences all of physics. If
inertia increases in our lab, all the clocks in the lab
slow down, and we have absolutely no way of knowing how
much increase there was, unless a colleague outside the
lab with constant inertia tells us, by comparing his
clock with ours.

So, if inertia is removed from physics, what is left ?

Reasoning along those lines makes that two worlds are
irreconcilable, and the maths confirm this. Quantum
gravity is an oxymoron. (I consider gravity as the
gradient of the inertial field).

So we have two worlds cleanly separated by the HUP : GR
and Uncertainty, and Quantum mechanics where they interact.

Uwe Hayek.

We are fast approaching the stage of the ultimate
inversion : the stage where the government is free to do
anything it pleases, while the citizens may act only by
permission; which is the stage of the darkest periods of
human history. -- Ayn Rand

I predict future happiness for Americans if they can
prevent the government from wasting the labors of the
people under the pretense of taking care of them. --
Thomas Jefferson.

Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of
ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue
is the equal sharing of misery. -- Winston Churchill.