From: glitteringsounds on

I need to extract all non-exported (global or member functions of
class) methods of certain DLL. GetProcAddress always takes decorated
functions of exported functions and returns function pointers against

Is it possible to look up non exported functions of certain DLL.

Muhammad Usman Khalil
From: Kerem Gümrükcü on

yes it is, but as you will think for yourself:
Nonexported means not intended for
being called by you, so deal with it.



Beste Gr�sse / Best regards / Votre bien devoue
Kerem G�mr�kc�
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"glitteringsounds" <muhammadusman.khalil(a)> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
> Hello,
> I need to extract all non-exported (global or member functions of
> class) methods of certain DLL. GetProcAddress always takes decorated
> functions of exported functions and returns function pointers against
> these.
> Is it possible to look up non exported functions of certain DLL.
> How.??
> Regards
> Muhammad Usman Khalil

From: D.Khasayev on
On 11 фев, 16:14, glitteringsounds <muhammadusman.kha...(a)>
> Hello,
> I need to extract all non-exported (global or member functions of
> class) methods of certain DLL. GetProcAddress always takes decorated
> functions of exported functions and returns function pointers against
> these.
> Is it possible to look up non exported functions of certain DLL.
> How.??
> Regards
> Muhammad Usman Khalil

Yes of course,but you must know the relative address of called
function.If you don't know the address,i think that you must scan dll
in memory for signature of function.But you must know signature,which
will not be meeted in other places of dll.
Good luck
From: [Jongware] on
glitteringsounds wrote:
> I need to extract all non-exported (global or member functions of
> class) methods of certain DLL. GetProcAddress always takes decorated
> functions of exported functions and returns function pointers against
> these.
> Is it possible to look up non exported functions of certain DLL.
> How.??

Not possible.

Exported functions are identified by calling address -- and you need
additional information on the parameters. GetProcAddress works for *any*
DLL, but only MSVC generated DLLs will contain decorated names. In any
case, the name decoration is not a standard or anything; virtually every
other version of MSVC decorates in a slightly different way. And
besides, other compiler brands have other ways of decorating.

NON-EXPORTED functions, on the other hand, can be everything else in the
file. You cannot "get" the address of a non-exported function.
Disassembling the DLL will not guarantee you get all functions --
disassembling is *not* an exact science.

Even if you get a reliable function address, there is *no* information
at all about its parameters, or even the calling convention. You will
have to disassemble the full function (and perhaps the functions that
are called from it, and so on) before you even have an idea if it's
expecting an unsigned char * __cdecl (struct &whatever, void
**even_more_data) (etc.).

Besides: there usually are lots and lots and lots of 'non-exported'
functions in a DLL; and most are just for housekeeping (why make a
system call to StrToLowerCase when you can just use "strlwr"?).

What does "I need .." mean? If you intended "I want ..", I suggest:
forget it.

From: [Jongware] on
[Jongware] wrote:
>only MSVC generated DLLs will contain decorated names.

-- well, I meant names that UnDecorateSymbolName can recognize and
undecorate. These are those created with MSVC.
