From: kaiki on
can you comment on the power consumption of these devices? All I saw on the
family datasheet was TBD for all current ratings.

From: connectable on
Hi, sorry about the multiple sends - unfamiliarity with this setup is my
Nice post. I've ordered a PIC32 starter kit and look forward to having a
play with it in the next week or two. I'll feed back any points additional
to those already posted if and when I find them. I'm new to MIPS32 code so
it should be fun.
Joe Brown.

>I got PIC32 starter kit today. Here are some impressions:
>- Comes with eval version of C32 C-compiler with 64KB code size limit.
> is actually called C32-gcc, so it's a gcc derivative. The source is
> the website, but who knows if it's recent or complete.
>- Hardware debugging (breakpoints, goto cursor) works in MPLAB on this
> little board, but I found that sometimes it gets into a mode where it
> thinks that breakpoints are not supported: "breakpoint limit for
> is 0" in the breakpoint dialogue. This is fixed if you restart MPLAB.

> Anyway, you can view both assembly and C source during single-stepping.

> It's pretty nice.
>- You can DBPRINTF over JTAG (and also DBGETS). It's very slow. It was
> documented that you had to add a define to make this work for new
> (-DPIC32_START_KIT- add the define in Project->Build
> Options->Project->C-compiler->Macros). The debug I/O library is not
> of the main library- it was just a db_utils.a file (no source) in the
> StartKitTutorial directory (the "hello world" program).
> I had to copy it to the timer interrupt demo program that I wanted to
> to get it working. I then had to replace all the UART I/O calls to
> I/O calls. There is no UART interface on the starter board, so they
> be designing these demos for some other board (actually they are labs
> a course- maybe FAE or early customer training?)
> One annoying thing about this form of JTAG I/O (which is not unique to
> PIC)- it's not a real serial port. When you call DBGETS, a window pops
> in MPLAB for you to type a string. This is a modal window, so you can
> actually halt the debugger when it is up. So don't put DBGETS in a
> There is no way to poll for keyboard input. When the DBGETS is
> for input, the CPU is basically break-point halted, so interrupts stop
> running.
>- This is how you make interrupt handlers:
> void __ISR(TIMER_1_VECTOR, ipl2) my_handler(void)
> {
> mPORTDToggleBits(BIT_0); // Blink a led
> mT1ClearIntFlag();
> }
> And that's about it (set up the timer and EnableIntT1). You do not
have to
> explicity write the my_handler address to a vector, the compiler just
> it.
>- The IDE needs a little work. There were some screen update glitches
> I closed various windows. It core dumped when switching projects.
> manual for the C-libraries (particularly the peripherals) is missing.
>- On the other hand, things did generally work. You basically hit F10
> compile and F9 to run. It prompts you for downloading the code to the
> board.
>- There are compiler settings for making compressed MIPS 16-bit code
> the ARM thumb code). Both worked. Last time I used MIPS, there was
> 16-bit option.
>Some notes about the PIC32 CPU:
>- Someone complained that the chip has only 16-bit timers: this is not
> exactly true: timers can be paired up to form single 32-bit timers.
>- There is a RTC clock generator (and an RTCC block) on the chip with
> for a 32 KHz crystal.
>- There is support for some kind of external trace buffer on the CPU.
> must have to buy some special ICE to make use of it.
>- The code examples include HTML server on a TCP/IP stack, but they need
> board with Microchip's ethernet to SPI interface chip.
>/* jhallen(a) AB1GO */ /* Joseph H.
Allen */