From: rpg.jhansi on

I have following script, one of the argument to this scipt is shell
variable which actually contains the script command.

$echo $script
cd /usr/local/site/pvr/config; grep -i jdbc

$./ssh_prop.exp ptatinen rockon(a)23 $

spawn ssh ptatinen(a) cd {/usr/local/site/
pvr/config;} grep -i jdbc
bash: -c: line 0: syntax error near unexpected token `}'
bash: -c: line 0: `cd {/usr/local/site/pvr/config;} grep -i jdbc'

bash: -c: line 0: syntax error near unexpected token `}
sh: Syntax error: EOF in backquote substitution
child process exited abnormally
while executing
"system "echo '$output' > search.txt""
(file "./ssh_prop.exp" line 35)

In summary, it's interpeating the $shell variable incorrectly.

Any help please to resolve this./

From: Cameron Laird on
In article <5aad1dcb-f885-4812-8957-b3f15d7c5902(a)>,
<rpg.jhansi(a)> wrote:
>I have following script, one of the argument to this scipt is shell
>variable which actually contains the script command.
>$echo $script
>cd /usr/local/site/pvr/config; grep -i jdbc
>$./ssh_prop.exp ptatinen rockon(a)23 $
>spawn ssh ptatinen(a) cd {/usr/local/site/
>pvr/config;} grep -i jdbc
>bash: -c: line 0: syntax error near unexpected token `}'
>bash: -c: line 0: `cd {/usr/local/site/pvr/config;} grep -i jdbc
>bash: -c: line 0: syntax error near unexpected token `}
>sh: Syntax error: EOF in backquote substitution
>child process exited abnormally
> while executing
>"system "echo '$output' > search.txt""
> (file "./ssh_prop.exp" line 35)
>In summary, it's interpeating the $shell variable incorrectly.
>Any help please to resolve this./

[system] evaluates a command with /bin/sh <URL: >
and does NOT respect $SHELL. I can imagine it having been defined
differently--but it wasn't. Was that your question?
From: Glenn Jackman on
At 2008-11-19 04:43AM, "rpg.jhansi(a)" wrote:
> Hi,
> I have following script, one of the argument to this scipt is shell
> variable which actually contains the script command.
> $echo $script
> cd /usr/local/site/pvr/config; grep -i jdbc
> $./ssh_prop.exp ptatinen rockon(a)23 ${script}

Perhaps you meant to say:
$./ssh_prop.exp ptatinen rockon(a)23 "$script"

> spawn ssh ptatinen(a) cd {/usr/local/site/
> pvr/config;} grep -i jdbc

In your expect script, you appear to be treating the list $argv as a

Glenn Jackman
Write a wise saying and your name will live forever. -- Anonymous
From: rpg.jhansi on
Apologies for short information.
Here is the scenario which is not working for me.

1. I have a shell script in BASH, which constructs a shell variable
containing some command e.g.
var=cd /usr/local/home/user/server/config; grep -i propname

2. I called an expect script from this shell script. The purpose of
this expect script is to SSH to remote server and execute the command
mentioned in the variable $var.

3. In the Bash Script, I call the expect script in following way

expect.exp $host_name $user $password $var

4. In the Expect script, I read these command line arguments in
following way:

set host_name [lrange $argv 0 0]
set user [lrange $argv 1 1]
set password [lrange $argv 2 2]
set var [lrange $argv 3 end]

5. I spawn the ssh in expect in the following way:

spawn ssh $user@$host_name $var

Observations: It looks like that while interpreting the variable $var
(which contains the shell commands), it's appending the curly braces
and hence bash is not able to understand it. Here is the error message
I am getting:

spawn ssh ptatinen(a) {cd /usr/local/site/
pvr/config/; grep -i jdbc}
bash: {cd: command not found
grep:}: No such file or directory
expect: spawn id exp7 not open
while executing
"expect "*""
(file "./ssh_prop.exp" line 36)

NOTE: Please see it's appending the curly braches while interpreating
the variable $var. Due to this bash is not able to understand and
throwing error.

Please help in this regard.

From: Bryan Oakley on
On Nov 19, 11:45 pm, rpg.jha...(a) wrote:
> Apologies for short information.
> Here is the scenario which is not working for me.
> 1. I have a shell script in BASH, which constructs a shell variable
> containing some command e.g.
> var=cd /usr/local/home/user/server/config; grep -i propname
> properties.file
> 2. I called an expect script from this shell script. The purpose of
> this expect script is to SSH to remote server and execute the command
> mentioned in the variable $var.
> 3. In the Bash Script, I call the expect script in following way
> expect.exp $host_name $user $password $var
> 4. In the Expect script, I read these command line arguments in
> following way:
> set host_name [lrange $argv 0 0]
> set user [lrange $argv 1 1]
> set password [lrange $argv 2 2]
> set var [lrange $argv 3 end]
> 5. I spawn the ssh in expect in the following way:
> spawn ssh $user@$host_name $var
> Observations: It looks like that while interpreting the variable $var
> (which contains the shell commands), it's appending the curly braces
> and hence bash is not able to understand it. Here is the error message
> I am getting:
> spawn ssh ptati...(a) {cd /usr/local/site/
> pvr/config/; grep -i jdbc}
> Password:
> bash: {cd: command not found
> grep:}: No such file or directory
> expect: spawn id exp7 not open
> while executing
> "expect "*""
> (file "./ssh_prop.exp" line 36)
> NOTE: Please see it's appending the curly braches while interpreating
> the variable $var. Due to this bash is not able to understand and
> throwing error.
> Please help in this regard.

Let's see if I can explain this clearly. It can be confusing.

Instead of this:

set host_name [lrange $argv 0 0]
set user [lrange $argv 1 1]
set password [lrange $argv 2 2]
set var [lrange $argv 3 end]

You should be doing this:

set host_name [lindex $argv 0]
set user [lindex $argv 1]
set password [lindex $argv 2]
set var [lindex $argv 3]

Notice the use of lindex rather than lrange.

The reason is, using lrange means that host_name, user, password and
var will be lists instead of scalers. You are getting lucky with the
first three because the string representation of lists with simple
values is often the same as the values separated with spaces (read:
[list foo bar] == "foo bar").

As you have discovered, however, this is not always the case. For
example, notice that [list "foo bar"] is not the same as "foo bar".
This is what you are experiencing with $var -- the string
representation of the list inside of var is not the same as the string
that is the first and only element in the list.

In your code, the variable var is a list that has as it's only element
the string "cd ...; grep ..." which is functionally identical to the

set var {{cd ...; grep ...}}

When you use $var as a string (which is how ssh sees it), tcl must
convert the list to a string. When it does this it tries to preserver
the "listness" of the data so it will add curly braces or backslashes
as necessary. That is why the ssh command you spawn is seeing these
curly braces.

The solution is straight-forward, boiling down to "don't pass a list
as an argument to the spawn command". Either don't make your variables
lists to begin with (use lindex rather than lrange), or explicitly
convert the list to a string in a way that gets you what you want (for
example, [join $var " "])