From: Gary Pollard on
I am looking for information on the permutation of an array. I have searched
this website and have not found what I am looking for. There are many
articles that will figure out all possible combinations of a string but they
all return strings in which characters are repeated.
EG: 1234 will return 1224 etc.

I am looking for information on how to only list combinations that use the
characters in the string the same number of times that they are in the
original string.

I did find an article at ( that
sounds promising but the link to download the source code
( comes back with an error saying
unable to connect.
All messages and emails to the various links on the site have been
returned as undeliverable.

Any help with the logic on how to code the above or any information on the code sample is greatly appreciated

From: Larry Serflaten on

"Gary Pollard" <GaryPollard(a)> wrote
> I am looking for information on the permutation of an array. I have searched
> this website and have not found what I am looking for. There are many
> articles that will figure out all possible combinations of a string but they
> all return strings in which characters are repeated.
> EG: 1234 will return 1224 etc.

We had someone here at the start of last month looking for something
very similar. You can view the whole thread if you want to see how it
progressed (from what you state above) to something of a scrabble
shuffler. (Which is about what you are asking for....)

One solution can be found here:


From: Steve on

"Gary Pollard" <GaryPollard(a)> wrote in message
> I am looking for information on the permutation of an array. I have
> searched
> this website and have not found what I am looking for. There are many
> articles that will figure out all possible combinations of a string but
> they
> all return strings in which characters are repeated.
> EG: 1234 will return 1224 etc.
> I am looking for information on how to only list combinations that use the
> characters in the string the same number of times that they are in the
> original string.
> I did find an article at (
> that
> sounds promising but the link to download the source code
> ( comes back with an error saying
> unable to connect.
> All messages and emails to the various links on the site have been
> returned as undeliverable.
> Any help with the logic on how to code the above or any information on the
> code sample is greatly appreciated

Not really sure what you want...the code for the example on the article you
mention is listed directly in the article. All that is required is to call
the code.

Assuming that your issue was in not understanding how to implement the
functions presented in the article, I went ahead and threw together a quick
example. Simply start up VB, start a new standard exe project and place the
following code in the form that is created by default...then run the app.

Option Explicit

Private lblCaption As VB.Label
Private txtNumElements As VB.TextBox
Private lstPermutations As VB.ListBox
Private WithEvents cmdChars As VB.CommandButton
Private WithEvents cmdNums As VB.CommandButton

Private Sub Form_Load()

Me.Visible = False

Set lblCaption = Me.Controls.Add("VB.Label", "lblCaption", Me)
Set txtNumElements = Me.Controls.Add("VB.TextBox", "txtNumElements", Me)
Set lstPermutations = Me.Controls.Add("VB.ListBox", "lstPermutations",
Set cmdChars = Me.Controls.Add("VB.CommandButton", "cmdChars", Me)
Set cmdNums = Me.Controls.Add("VB.CommandButton", "cmdNums", Me)

lblCaption.Move 120, 180, 2115, 255
lblCaption.Caption = "Number of elements:"
lblCaption.Visible = True

txtNumElements.Move 2400, 180, 3255, 315
txtNumElements.Text = "0"
txtNumElements.Visible = True

lstPermutations.Move 120, 660, 5535, 6300
lstPermutations.Visible = True

cmdChars.Move 5880, 180, 1215, 495
cmdChars.Caption = "Permutate characters"
cmdChars.Visible = True

cmdNums.Move 5880, 840, 1215, 495
cmdNums.Caption = "Permutate numbers"
cmdNums.Visible = True

Me.Width = 7530
Me.Height = 7815

Me.Visible = True

End Sub

Private Sub cmdNums_Click()
DoPermutations False
End Sub

Private Sub cmdChars_Click()
DoPermutations True
End Sub

Private Sub DoPermutations(Optional blnAsChars As Boolean = False)
Dim i As Long
Dim lngNumElems As Long
Dim Elems() As Long
Dim Order() As Long
Dim Orders As New Collection
Dim Item As Variant
Dim strTemp As String


lngNumElems = Val(txtNumElements.Text)
ReDim Elems(1 To lngNumElems)
ReDim Order(1 To lngNumElems)
For i = 1 To lngNumElems
If blnAsChars Then
Elems(i) = 96 + i
Elems(i) = i
End If

Permutate lngNumElems, Elems(), Order(), Orders

For Each Item In Orders
strTemp = vbNullString
For i = LBound(Item) To UBound(Item)
If blnAsChars Then
strTemp = strTemp & Chr(Item(i))
strTemp = strTemp & Item(i)
End If
lstPermutations.AddItem strTemp

End Sub

Public Sub Permutate( _
ByVal ArrayCount As Long, _
ByRef Elements() As Long, _
ByRef Order() As Long, _
ByRef Orders As Collection)

Dim Position As Long
Dim Element As Long
Dim i As Long
Dim ArrayLen As Long

' The length of the Elements array. We need this
' for our calculations later on.
ArrayLen = (UBound(Elements) - LBound(Elements) + 1)

' Position in the Order array of the first element in
' the permutated arrays.
' Example: Given the array(a,b,c,d), where we want to permutate
' (b,c,d), the position in the new array for the first element
' will be 2 (since (a) will take up the first position).
' Likewise, when we permutate (c,d), the position of the first
' element will be 3, since the first two spots are taken by
' (a,b).
Position = ArrayCount - ArrayLen + 1

If ArrayLen = 1 Then
' The most primitive array we will permutate.
' The result is the array itself, and the result
' is inserted in the last position of the Order array.
Order(Position) = Elements(LBound(Elements))

' This Order is now complete, since the final element has
' been filled in.
Orders.Add Order
' The permutation of Elements is each distinct Element
' + all permutations of the remaining elements.
For i = LBound(Elements) To UBound(Elements)
Element = Elements(i)
Order(Position) = Element
Permutate ArrayCount, RemoveFromArray(Elements, Element), Order,
Next i

End If

End Sub

Public Function RemoveFromArray(ByRef Elements() As Long, ByVal Element As
Long) As Long()
Dim NewArray() As Long
Dim i As Long
Dim newi As Long

' Will create a new array where Element has been left out.
ReDim NewArray(LBound(Elements) To UBound(Elements) - 1)
For i = LBound(Elements) To UBound(Elements)
If Elements(i) <> Element Then
newi = newi + 1
NewArray(newi) = Elements(i)
End If

RemoveFromArray = NewArray

End Function

From: Gary Pollard on
This works well if the number of character in the sting is 8 or less,
processed a 8 character sting in about 1.5 minutes.
If I go to a 9 character string the project window goes blank and it appears
that it is some kind of endless loop. I stopped it after 15 minutes.
I am about to try Steve's solution.
Thanks for your input.

"Larry Serflaten" wrote:

> "Gary Pollard" <GaryPollard(a)> wrote
> > I am looking for information on the permutation of an array. I have searched
> > this website and have not found what I am looking for. There are many
> > articles that will figure out all possible combinations of a string but they
> > all return strings in which characters are repeated.
> > EG: 1234 will return 1224 etc.
> We had someone here at the start of last month looking for something
> very similar. You can view the whole thread if you want to see how it
> progressed (from what you state above) to something of a scrabble
> shuffler. (Which is about what you are asking for....)
> One solution can be found here:
> .
From: Jason Keats on
Gary Pollard wrote:
> This works well if the number of character in the sting is 8 or less,
> processed a 8 character sting in about 1.5 minutes.
> If I go to a 9 character string the project window goes blank and it appears
> that it is some kind of endless loop. I stopped it after 15 minutes.

The following class only takes a few seconds (on an old computer) to
write all permutations of a 9 character string to a file...


MultiUse = -1 'True
Persistable = 0 'NotPersistable
DataBindingBehavior = 0 'vbNone
DataSourceBehavior = 0 'vbNone
MTSTransactionMode = 0 'NotAnMTSObject
Attribute VB_Name = "CPermutations"
Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
Attribute VB_Creatable = True
Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = False
Attribute VB_Exposed = False
Option Explicit
Option Base 0

Private mnFF As Integer
Private msFileOut As String
Private msData As String
Private mnPositionArrayPointer As Integer
Private manPositionArray() As Integer
Private msPermutation As String

Public Sub Init(ByVal sData As String, ByVal sFileOut As String)
msData = sData
msFileOut = sFileOut
End Sub

Private Sub Permutations(ByVal nElement As Integer)

Dim i As Integer

mnPositionArrayPointer = mnPositionArrayPointer + 1
manPositionArray(nElement) = mnPositionArrayPointer

If mnPositionArrayPointer = Len(msData) Then
msPermutation = ""
For i = 0 To UBound(manPositionArray)
msPermutation = msPermutation & Mid$(msData,
manPositionArray(i), 1)
Next i

If Len(msPermutation) Then
Print #mnFF, msPermutation
End If
For i = 0 To Len(msData) - 1
If manPositionArray(i) = 0 Then Call Permutations(i)
Next i
End If

mnPositionArrayPointer = mnPositionArrayPointer - 1
manPositionArray(nElement) = 0

End Sub

Public Sub RecursivePermutations()

mnPositionArrayPointer = -1

ReDim manPositionArray(Len(msData) - 1)

mnFF = FreeFile

Open msFileOut For Output As #mnFF
'Print #mnFF, "* Recursive Permutations for... " & msData

Call Permutations(0)

'Print #mnFF, "* Finished!"
Close #mnFF

End Sub