From: bachegool on
On Sep 17, 8:10 am, "Laurent" <l...(a)> wrote:
> "bachegool" <esadegh...(a)> a écrit dans le message de news:
> 816a737a-25eb-49b8-a469-babbdc46d...(a)
> On Sep 15, 5:42 pm, Jaelani <jaeju...(a)> wrote:
> > PostMessage only place the message in the message queue and will not be
> > processed immediately by the time PostMessage returns. Use SendMessage
> > instead.
> >it's the same. I've tried it.
> Have you checked if you see it with Spy++ ?

something fishy is going on in the message pomp of my grid. when I
looked at it with spy++ I noticed that it not only catches messages
for itself but also messages sent from winamp? it's like this
WM_SETCURSOR fHaltProcessing:False
message0xxxx(Registered "WinampSongChange"]xParam.... IParam.....

is this a normal behaviour?