From: alexfiftyfour on

I have written a test driver with WDK and now I want to send a message to it
with DeviceIoControl from Kernel32.dll. I have written a Wrapper for .NET for
DeviceIoControl and CreateFile Function.

The Driver is running and I can see it listet in the Device Manager. Its
name is "TestDriver3".

I use CreateFile from Kernel32.dll to get a handle to a my device, but I
always get an error that states: "Can not find the file" (WinAPI Error 2) or
"Can not find the path" (WinaAPI Error 3).

I used the following syntax to access my driver with CreateFile:
I also tried other paths like: "\\Device\\TestDriver3" or "\\TestDriver3"
and some more...

Did I use the wrong naming convention?


From: Boba on
Device Manager lists module names.
check spelling of the 1st parameter
for your IoCreateSymbolicLink call.