From: PaulH on
I'm working on a Windows Mobile 6 macro recording tool using the
undocumented coredll exported API QASetWindowsJournalHook(). I can get
the hook installed without any errors, but I do not get any response
from the callback function. I've read several threads in this group
regarding this call and people have had mixed results.

In looking at similar hooking functions, I note that occasionally some
parts of the code need to be in a DLL and exported. Is that the case
here? I've tried some combinations, but perhaps I just haven't hit the
right one.

Some of my code (error checks removed for brevity) is posted below. If
anybody could take a peek and let me know where I may be going wrong,
I would appreciate it.


typedef LRESULT ( CALLBACK* HOOKPROC )( int code, WPARAM wParam,
LPARAM lParam );

typedef struct tagEVENTMSG {
UINT message;
UINT paramL;
UINT paramH;
DWORD time;
HWND hwnd;

typedef HHOOK PQASetWindowsJournalHook( int, HOOKPROC, EVENTMSG* );
typedef HHOOK PQAUnhookWindowsJournalHook( int );
typedef LRESULT PCallNextHookEx( HHOOK, int, WPARAM, LPARAM );

HHOOK g_hook;
EVENTMSG g_eventmsg;
PQASetWindowsJournalHook* fnQASetWindowsJournalHook;
PQAUnhookWindowsJournalHook* fnQAUnhookWindowsJournalHook;
PCallNextHookEx* fnCallNextHookEx;

BOOL CMyDialog::ActivateHook( HOOKPROC pfnCallback )
hCoreDLL = LoadLibrary( _T( "coredll.dll" ) );
fnQASetWindowsJournalHook =
( PQASetWindowsJournalHook* )GetProcAddress( hCoreDLL,
_T( "QASetWindowsJournalHook" ) );
fnQAUnhookWindowsJournalHook =
( PQAUnhookWindowsJournalHook* )GetProcAddress( hCoreDLL,
_T( "QAUnhookWindowsJournalHook" ) );
fnCallNextHookEx = ( PCallNextHookEx* )GetProcAddress( hCoreDLL,
_T( "CallNextHookEx" ) );
g_hook = fnQASetWindowsJournalHook( WH_JOURNALRECORD, pfnCallback,
&g_eventmsg );

return true;

/*static*/ LRESULT CMyDialog::QAJournalHookProc( int nCode, WPARAM
wParam, LPARAM lParam )
::MessageBox( NULL, _T( "Test" ), _T( "test" ), MB_OK );

switch( nCode )
EVENTMSG* pMsg = reinterpret_cast< EVENTMSG* >( lParam );
// ...
// ...

return fnCallNextHookEx( g_hook, nCode, wParam, lParam );
