From: Jim Lucas on
Ashley Sheridan wrote:
> On Tue, 2010-08-31 at 17:15 -0300, Jo?o C?ndido de Souza Neto wrote:
>> Theres an eror.
>> The correct is:
>> $pattern = array(
>> "/<a [^>]>/",
>> "/</a>/"
>> );
>> $text = preg_replace($pattern, "", $text);
>> --
>> Joo Cndido de Souza Neto
>> ""Joo Cndido de Souza Neto"" <joao(a)> escreveu na
>> mensagem news:D0.73.48953.EE16D7C4(a)
>>> Try this:
>>> $pattern = array(
>>> "/<a [^>]/",
>>> "/</a>/"
>>> );
>>> preg_replace($pattern, "", $text);
>>> --
>>> Joo Cndido de Souza Neto
>>> "Karl DeSaulniers" <karl(a)> escreveu na mensagem
>>> news:007BC8E1-B2C8-4DD5-9D18-EB07B0D55C0E(a)
>>>> Hi,
>>>> Say I have some text.
>>>> $text = 'You can logon here: <a href="
>>>> index.php?username='.$username.'">
>>>> username='.$username.'</a>. This link will take you to your web
>>>> browser to login.'.$eol;
>>>> I want to be able to strip the "<a href="
>>>> index.php?username='.$username.'">" and </a>.
>>>> Leaving just the'.
>>>> $username.' text, so it would end up like.
>>>> $text = 'You can logon here:
>>>> username='.$username.'. This link will take you to your web browser
>>>> to login.'.$eol;
>>>> I have tried MANY different ways and have no success.
>>>> Can anyone help me?
>>>> TIA
>>>> Karl DeSaulniers
>>>> Design Drumm
> Regular expressions are evil when used like this. Consider the following
> valid HTML:
> <a href="math_operators.php" title="The > Operator">The &gt;
> Operator</a>
> The HTML is perfectly valid, but the regex will break because it "see's"
> the end of the tag prematurely from the > inside the title attribute
> value.
> However, if the HTML is going to be a very small subset in which you
> will always know this sort of thing won't happen, then you could use the
> regex.
> Thanks,
> Ash

Here is the trail that I just went down.
lead me to here
which lead me to here
which lead me to here
which lead me to here

To my final conclusion that values of attributes, although it isn't
required, should be encoded and conversely will be decoded by the client.

So, not to say that you are wrong, but I would suggest that it might be
better to explain that the example you suggested should have been
written in the following way instead.

<a href="math_operators.php" title="The &gt; Operator">The &gt;

All text that gets sent to the client, that has nothing to do with
layout, should be ran through some type of cleaning & encoding method
before being sent to the client.

Just my 2pennies...

Jim Lucas
From: Karl DeSaulniers on

On Aug 31, 2010, at 3:06 PM, Ashley Sheridan wrote:

> On Tue, 2010-08-31 at 15:01 -0500, Karl DeSaulniers wrote:
>> On Aug 31, 2010, at 2:32 PM, Ashley Sheridan wrote:
>> > On Tue, 2010-08-31 at 14:31 -0500, Karl DeSaulniers wrote:
>> >>
>> >> Hi,
>> >> Say I have some text.
>> >>
>> >> $text = 'You can logon here: <a href="
>> >> index.php?username='.$username.'">
>> index.php?
>> >> username='.$username.'</a>. This link will take you to your web
>> >> browser to login.'.$eol;
>> >>
>> >> I want to be able to strip the "<a href="
>> >> index.php?username='.$username.'">" and </a>.
>> >> Leaving just the'.
>> >> $username.' text, so it would end up like.
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> $text = 'You can logon here:
>> >> username='.$username.'. This link will take you to your web
>> browser
>> >> to login.'.$eol;
>> >>
>> >> I have tried MANY different ways and have no success.
>> >> Can anyone help me?
>> >> TIA
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> Karl DeSaulniers
>> >> Design Drumm
>> >>
>> >>
>> >
>> > strip_tags() will do the job here.
>> >
>> > Thanks,
>> > Ash
>> >
>> >
>> Hi Ash,
>> I tried that, but it did not work.
>> I do not want it to strip all tags, just the <a href=""></a>. so if
>> there was a <p> or <br />. I don't want those removed.
>> There is more text than just what I posted.
>> This is what I am trying currently.
>> This is someones code from a forum that I am trying to adopt.
>> //CODE start
>> function strip_only($str, $tags) { // Thanks Steve
>> if(!is_array($tags)) {
>> $tags = (strpos($str, '>') !== false ? explode('>',
>> str_replace('<', '', $tags)) : array($tags));
>> if(end($tags) == '') array_pop($tags);
>> }
>> foreach($tags as $tag) $str = preg_replace('#</?'.$tag.'[^>]
>> *>#is', '', $str);
>> return $str;
>> }
>> $str = '<p style="text-align:center">Paragraph</p><strong>Bold</
>> strong><br/><span style="color:red">Red</span><h1>Header</h1>';
>> echo strip_only($str, array('p', 'h1'));
>> echo strip_only($str, '<p><h1>');
>> //CODE end
>> I was using it like so.
>> $text = strip_only($text, array('a'));
>> or
>> $text = strip_only($text, '<a>');
>> But got my results back like:
>> 'You can logon here: href="
>> index.php?username='.$username.'">
>> username='.$username.'. This link will take you to your web
>> browser to login.'.$eol;
>> uugh..
>> Karl DeSaulniers
>> Design Drumm
> Look at the second argument to strip_tags() which allows you to
> specify a list of allowable tags. It will do what you want, you
> just need to look at the manual.
> Thanks,
> Ash

Hey Ash,
I did as you suggested and still got the same results.

'You can logon here: href="
username='.$username.'. This link will take you to your web
browser to login.'.$eol;
Could it be because there is a "?" in the string or the php variable?

Karl DeSaulniers
Design Drumm