From: DMackey828 on
Hello All,
Just wanted to let all of you know that I FINALLY created a WORKING
PLA Replacement for my C64. I have only tested it in one of the
Breadbox C64's so far.

I use Ray Carlsons Diagram,


Much appreciated for the info Ray.

Since I'm using a Promenade C1, I had to break the file into two 32k
sections as there is NO WAY to program an entire 64k file with a
Promenade C1. Each file will need "00 20" inserted into the Beginning
of the file, they will be 32770 bytes in size.

In order to program a 27c512 eprom. BEST to use -45ns for the PLA.
you will have to run a ground wire from the CASE of the Promenade C1
to PIN #1 on the IC. This will allow you to program the FIRST HALF
(32k) of the eprom. Remove the wire to program the SECOND HALF
of the eprom.

I am using Promshell to do this. You can find the disk on my FTP
site :

Here are the files I used for the PLA. They already have the "00 20"
added to them to make it easier on you.

Have fun.