From: Sherlock on
Just doing a new report where some data is EMAIL and other pages are
printed in HARDCOPY

Is there a way to use this syntax to achieve this ;

oPrinter:PrintExport( #RP_PDF, cPATH + astring(SELF:oNamAddr:RECNO)
+'.PDF', "a PDF","a pdf file...")

I can see using PrintExport() can create a PDF for the whole report...
but how do I create selective pages from the report as PDF and then
other pages printed and mutual exclusive.

We wrote a whole PDF wrapper class to do this for Reportpro.. but I
dont want to have to go to all the trouble of rewriting it this way.

THere must be a simple way to have PREBODY() work out, yes out as PDF
and POSTBODY() close the job and back to printing or something like

Phil McGuinness - Sherlock Software