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Ruby 1.9 and RMagick
The only application keeping me from going completely to Ruby 1.9 (from 1.8) is RMagick. Can RMagick be used on Windows with Ruby 1.9? If so, what do I need to do to install it? There isn't an RMagick Gem yet for Ruby 1.9 that I can find. --Alex DeCaria -- Posted via ... 17 Feb 2010 13:21
Unable to run .rb file with SCITE editor
I have re-installed Ruby on my pc and run some rb files but these files are not giving any output rather gives error 'The system cannot find the file specified.' The same files were working before re-installation but are not working later. Please help... -- Posted via ... 19 Feb 2010 07:37
Running both Ruby 1.8 and 1.9 on same windows machine
I want to try out Ruby 1.9, but don't want to go whole hog since I have a lot of programs that run just fine with 1.8. I also use RMagick, which seems not to work with 1.9 yet. Can I have both versions of Ruby installed in the Windows environment, but have 1.8 be the default for running Ruby programs? Are there... 17 Feb 2010 16:45
Convert Sequel Dataset to JSON Object
Hi, I'm trying to do an AJAX request from my xhtml page to a controller. The AJAX request passes "id=idgoeshere" where idgoeshere is a number. Inspecting in Chrome inspector shows me that the id is being passed so no problems there. The problem I have is when I try to get my controller to return some data. I... 19 Feb 2010 03:16
Tk on Windows and Mac OS X 10.6
Is it possible to install Ruby Tk bindings on Windows with RubyInstaller, and on Mac OS X 10.6, without recompiling Ruby? I've seen a few sites that explain how to recompile Ruby on each platform to use Tk, but so far it looks like that's the only way. ... 1 Mar 2010 12:30
Ruby + git +ssh keys
Problem: i need to verify git repo properties (ssh key,repo url) in ruby Solutions: 1) write ssh key into ~/.ssh/id_rsa file and execute "git clone" command with repo url property - easiest way -cause race conditions when multiple users trying to check theirs repos. 2) write key into any file and link server and... 17 Feb 2010 00:05
Dia 1.1 released!
Dan -- Thanks for the reply .. I think this project has been mentioned to me before but I took the name "Dia" from the Gaelic language. It translates to "God". Thanks, Rob -- Posted via ... 17 Feb 2010 00:05
rsec - parsec for ruby1.9
# Just added another example: a Scheme interpreter. require "rsec" class Scheme include Rsec::Helpers def initialize bra = /\(\s*/.r.skip ket = /\s*\)/.r.skip boolean = /\#[tf]/. {|n| ValueNode[n=='#t'] } integer = /0|[1-9]\d*/ {|n| ValueNode[n.to_i] } id ... 17 Feb 2010 00:05
deploy issues
Hey guys, does anyone know what causes the "don't know how to build task db:migrate" error, and how to fix it? I am trying to deploy a Sinatra app. Thx. ... 17 Feb 2010 00:05
Running both Ruby 1.8 and 1.9 on same windows machine
On 17/2/2010 11:17 AM, Alex DeCaria wrote: I want to try out Ruby 1.9, but don't want to go whole hog since I have a lot of programs that run just fine with 1.8. I also use RMagick, which seems not to work with 1.9 yet. Can I have both versions of Ruby installed in the Windows environment, but have 1... 17 Feb 2010 00:05
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