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add_assertion' called for nil:NilClass errror when testing
This @browser is defined in the login method"localhost", 4444, "*chrome", $url , 10000); class CrudDContent<Test::Unit::TestCase def initialize() login("browser_name") end#initialize() def test_createdc() assert(@browser.element?($x_xpath))#the test f... 27 Oct 2009 13:38
C extension: "malloc" and "rb_raise"
Hi, if I use "malloc" in a Ruby C function and then call to "rb_raise" (so the program exists), will the allocated memory be released? (if not I get a memory leak). Perhaps Ruby havs a garbage collector for C? Thanks. -- Iñaki Baz Castillo <ibc(a)> ... 24 Oct 2009 18:46
Net:HTTP Timeout Bug
When I do an HTTP get on a URL that doesn't exist using NET:HTTP, the read_timeout value is ignored and the connection stays open forever. I read somewhere that this is a known bug (Bug #949) but I was trying to do a work around to close the connection. I tried using http.finish as is shown in the Class descripti... 23 Oct 2009 19:58
Since there's an Array#reject, shouldn't there be an Array#accept? -r -- Posted via ... 9 Oct 2009 14:52
unicorn 0.93.2 - more compatible with Rails
On Oct 7, 3:00 am, Eric Wong <normalper...(a)> wrote: Unicorn is a HTTP server for Rack applications designed to take advantage of features in Unix/Unix-like kernels and only serve fast clients on low-latency, high-bandwidth connections.  Slow clients should only be served by placing a reverse pro... 8 Oct 2009 11:09
Wx::Choice Items generated from lookup table, later need id's ofchoices.
>    I *think* I could subclass Wx::Choice to something that stores the ID as well as the text to display, but I can see dragons in the distance that way....    What's my best option? Caveat emptor... I don't know WxRuby at all. However, the documentation ( 7 Oct 2009 11:53
[ANN] unicorn 0.93.2 - more compatible with Rails
Unicorn is a HTTP server for Rack applications designed to take advantage of features in Unix/Unix-like kernels and only serve fast clients on low-latency, high-bandwidth connections. Slow clients should only be served by placing a reverse proxy capable of fully-buffering both the the request and response in betwe... 7 Oct 2009 05:16
Google Wave- I need contacts!
After 6 days, i finally got my gWave invite! ('and there was much rejoicing, yay!') However, I need people to do the wave with! I thought a big long list of ruby devvers wouldn't be too bad, and to start up a big IRC like wave. ^_^ I am: tmcdowell(a) -- Posted via ... 13 Nov 2009 18:52
Webrick global authentication
I'm doing a small ruby application for an embedded device. There are some servlets and a few HTML pages. The whole web application should be passwort protected. As far as I understand I have to create and authenticator and use this in every servlet. Is there any possibility to use an "global" authenticator without... 6 Oct 2009 03:10
howto: load YAML and preserve the key order ??
the orderedhash gem does a really nice job at allowing you to print yaml with ordered keys. # quick example to show what I'm talking about require 'orderedhash' h = h[3] = 8 h[9] = 10 h.to_yaml # will give: "---\n3: 8\n9:10" every time I need to be able to also read in YAM... 2 Oct 2009 01:05
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