From: Robert Hicks on
I am running the same script on 3 different HP servers. One of the
servers is erroring out with the following:

rhicks(a)lims-dev1$ ./fstats.tcl
key message-id not in header
while executing
"error "key $mixed not in header""
("default" arm line 5)
invoked from within
"switch -- $key {
"" {
set result ""
foreach lower $state(lowerL) mixed $state(mixedL) {
lappend result..."
(procedure "::mime::getheader" line 7)
invoked from within
"::mime::getheader $part ${message-idL} "
invoked from within
"smtp::sendmessage $token -originator $from -recipients $recipient
-servers $server"
(procedure "sendMessage" line 10)
invoked from within
"sendMessage <smtp
address> $msgSubj $msgBody"
(file "./fstats.tcl" line 20)

It has worked just stopped. The only thing that I can think
of that changed was I added mpack to that server but the other servers
already had it on there.

I am running ActiveTcl 8.4.12 on them all.

The script:


proc sendMessage {from recipient server subject body} {
package require smtp
package require mime

set ::smtp::trf 0

set token [mime::initialize -canonical text/plain -string $body]

mime::setheader $token Subject $subject
smtp::sendmessage $token -originator $from -recipients $recipient
-servers $server
mime::finalize $token

set msgBody [exec bdf | grep 8.%]

set msgSubj "LIMS-PRO1: Filesystem Report"

sendMessage <smtp
server> $msgSubj $msgBody

Any ideas?


From: Donald Arseneau on
"Robert Hicks" <sigzero(a)> writes:

> I am running the same script on 3 different HP servers. One of the
> servers is erroring out with the following:
> rhicks(a)lims-dev1$ ./fstats.tcl
> key message-id not in header
> while executing
> "error "key $mixed not in header""
> ("default" arm line 5)

This is an error generated by the smtp script code.
Did you try displaying the header text to see if there was
really a message-id field? Could there be differences
between how the smtp server treats your clients?

Donald Arseneau asnd(a)
From: Robert Hicks on
Anything is possible. What is wierd is that the script worked once in
production (and numerous times in testing) and then stopped.

How would I set a message-id field??? I have no clue about smtp except
to write the script.


From: MH on
In article <1145582043.927848.312420(a)>,
Robert Hicks <sigzero(a)> wrote:
>Anything is possible. What is wierd is that the script worked once in
>production (and numerous times in testing) and then stopped.
>How would I set a message-id field??? I have no clue about smtp except
>to write the script.

Well, if you're not using authentication, you could try something like:
telnet smtp-server 25
mail from: robert(a)
rcpt to: robert(a)
This is a test email

and see if the results are different on different servers..

From: Robert Hicks on
I will try that.
