From: Andrew Story on
Hi Guys,

I'm trying to find a way to export a list of users who have active sync
enabled only.

I'm running the below but it shows me all users and isn;t very friendly when
exported to CSV - I canlt seem to sort the data to make sense of it:

Get-CASMailbox -ResultSize Unlimited |Format-List ActiveSyncEnabled,
Identity >"C:\temp\eas.csv"

I also try to run the below but it won;t run, I'm guessing it;s down the the
$true entry:

Get-CASMailbox -ResultSize Unlimited |Format-List ActiveSyncEnabled $True,
Identity >"C:\temp\eas.csv"

Would anyone be able to pint me in the right direction please to retrieve
this information from exchange?

From: Mike Pfeiffer on
Give this a try:

Get-CASMailbox -ResultSize Unlimited | ?{$_.ActiveSyncEnabled} | Select
DisplayName,ActiveSyncEnabled | Export-Csv c:\eas.csv -NoType

that's all on one line, so watch out for text wrap

"Andrew Story" wrote:

> Hi Guys,
> I'm trying to find a way to export a list of users who have active sync
> enabled only.
> I'm running the below but it shows me all users and isn;t very friendly when
> exported to CSV - I canlt seem to sort the data to make sense of it:
> Get-CASMailbox -ResultSize Unlimited |Format-List ActiveSyncEnabled,
> Identity >"C:\temp\eas.csv"
> I also try to run the below but it won;t run, I'm guessing it;s down the the
> $true entry:
> Get-CASMailbox -ResultSize Unlimited |Format-List ActiveSyncEnabled $True,
> Identity >"C:\temp\eas.csv"
> Would anyone be able to pint me in the right direction please to retrieve
> this information from exchange?
> .
From: Karl Mitschke on
Hello Andrew,

> Hi Guys,
> I'm trying to find a way to export a list of users who have active
> sync enabled only.
> I'm running the below but it shows me all users and isn;t very
> friendly when exported to CSV - I canlt seem to sort the data to make
> sense of it:
> Get-CASMailbox -ResultSize Unlimited |Format-List ActiveSyncEnabled,
Identity>> "C:\temp\eas.csv"
> I also try to run the below but it won;t run, I'm guessing it;s down
> the the $true entry:
> Get-CASMailbox -ResultSize Unlimited |Format-List ActiveSyncEnabled
> $True,
> Would anyone be able to pint me in the right direction please to
> retrieve this information from exchange?

Try this one liner:

Get-CASMailbox -ResultSize Unlimited -Filter{(HasActiveSyncDevicePartnership
-eq $true) -AND (name -notlike "cas*")}| select name, servername, DistinguisheDName,
ActiveSyncMailboxPolicy |Export-Csv C:\temp\eas.csv -NoTypeInformation


From: Andrew Story on
Thanks for your input guys.

"Andrew Story" <andrewDOTstoryATjameswalkerDOTbiz> wrote in message
> Hi Guys,
> I'm trying to find a way to export a list of users who have active sync
> enabled only.
> I'm running the below but it shows me all users and isn;t very friendly
> when exported to CSV - I canlt seem to sort the data to make sense of it:
> Get-CASMailbox -ResultSize Unlimited |Format-List ActiveSyncEnabled,
> Identity >"C:\temp\eas.csv"
> I also try to run the below but it won;t run, I'm guessing it;s down the
> the $true entry:
> Get-CASMailbox -ResultSize Unlimited |Format-List ActiveSyncEnabled $True,
> Identity >"C:\temp\eas.csv"
> Would anyone be able to pint me in the right direction please to retrieve
> this information from exchange?