From: David Mark on
Sencha Touch is a bizarre mish-mash of ExtJS and a jQuery plug-in
called JQTouch. It is advertised as the first "HTML5 framework" based
on "standards" like HTML5 and CSS3. Of course, HTML5 is neither a
standard nor widely implemented and the script eschews CSS3 for
proprietary WebKit extensions. And the most bizarre thing is that
very little of the script relates to HTML5.

The script is touted as "cross-browser", despite the fact that it is
admittedly dual-browser at best. It weighs 228K (minified) and
several of its key features rely on UA-based browser sniffing.

The rationalization for these unfortunate facts is that Android and
iPhone/iPod/iPad devices account for 90% of the mobile market. It is
unclear who conducted that study; but regardless, unlike in school,
90% is not an A-, particularly when the remaining 10% are left with
non-functioning applications. The weight problem is dismissed with
the usual marketing tactic of quoting sizes after GZIP compression
(only 80K!) And feature detection is deemed "impossible" due to the
fact that common features implemented in the two "supported" browsers
vary in their behavior (apparently feature testing is outside of the
authors' realm of understanding).

Not much new here. It's the same "tired old arguments" that readers
of this group have heard over and over. This shouldn't be surprising
as library developers keep making the same tired old mistakes. And,
of course, most newcomers to this group have failed to read each and
every previous related post, so repetition is required.

Copyright(c) 2010 Sencha Inc.

Yes, they plan to charge money for this thing.

// for old browsers
window.undefined = window.undefined;

First line and it is the usual rookie mistake. Note that this line
runs in the global execution context, so - this - points to the global
object. Why not use that instead of attempting to augment a host
object? Likely because this line has been copied and pasted from a
similarly ludicrous script that preceded it. There is no standard for
the window object and, as a host object, it is explicitly allowed to
throw an exception (or fail silently) in this case.

This is not a minor quibble. IE can be configured to disallow host
object expandos and nobody knows how many other browsers behave in
similar fashion (perhaps even by default).

The sum effect of this first line of code is to indicate that the
authors don't really know what they are doing. Not only is "this"
shorter than "window" (neither of which will be shortened on
minification), but you have to wonder what "old browsers" this dual-
browser framework is attempting to placate. As will become evident,
no such browser stands a chance in hell of running this script, so the
only explanation is cargo cult programming (i.e. they saw this line in
another script and copied it without understanding the ramifications).

* @class Ext

There are no classes in ECMAScript implementations.

* Ext core utilities and functions.

Everything old is new again. :)

* @singleton

It goes without saying that there are no singletons either.


Ext.setup = function(config) {
if (Ext.isObject(config)) {

Oh dear. We'll get to that one shortly. Suffice to say that there is
no call for this (no pun intended).

if (config.addMetaTags !== false) {
var viewport = Ext.get(document.createElement('meta')),
app = Ext.get(document.createElement('meta')),
statusBar = Ext.get(document.createElement('meta')),
startupScreen =
appIcon = Ext.get(document.createElement('link'));

Okay. Five elements created.

name: 'viewport',
content: 'width=device-width, user-scalable=no,
initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0;'

No call for this either. As we'll see, the "set" function is another
botched attempt at setting attributes and/or properties.

if (config.fullscreen !== false) {
name: 'apple-mobile-web-app-capable',
content: 'yes'


if (Ext.isString(config.statusBarStyle)) {

The isString function is also dubious.

name: 'apple-mobile-web-app-status-bar-style',
content: config.statusBarStyle

if (Ext.isString(config.tabletStartupScreen) &&
Ext.platform.isTablet) {

Ext.platform is populated largely by UA-based browser sniffing.

rel: 'apple-touch-startup-image',
href: config.tabletStartupScreen
} else if (Ext.isString(config.phoneStartupScreen) &&
Ext.platform.isPhone) {
rel: 'apple-touch-startup-image',
href: config.phoneStartupScreen

if (config.icon) {
config.phoneIcon = config.tabletIcon = config.icon;

This is a very odd design. Why have three properties? If they were
going to allow specifying separate icons for what they "detect" as
phones and tablets, then surely they shouldn't step on them without

var precomposed = (config.glossOnIcon == false) ? '-
precomposed' : '';
if (Ext.isString(config.tabletIcon) &&
Ext.platform.isTablet) {

Why didn't they just check config.icon?

rel: 'apple-touch-icon' + precomposed,
href: config.tabletIcon
} else if (Ext.isString(config.phoneIcon) &&
Ext.platform.isPhone) {
el: 'apple-touch-icon' + precomposed,
href: config.phoneIcon

var head = Ext.get(document.getElementsByTagName('head')

Why pass the result to Ext.get? Is there some ill-advised host object
augmentation going on here?

if (app.getAttribute('name')) head.appendChild(app);
if (statusBar.getAttribute('name'))

if (appIcon.getAttribute('href'))
if (startupScreen.getAttribute('href'))

Nope. They used only standard DOM methods. Of course, there was no
need to call getAttribute at all. They could have just checked the
corresponding DOM properties; but more importantly, as seen above,
they are the ones who set (or didn't set) these attributes in the
first place. In other words, the logic takes the long way around,
unnecessarily involving one of the least trustworthy methods in the
history of browser scripting (getAttribute).

And why did they create all of those elements in advance when some or
all of them may not be appended at all? In short, the whole preceding
mess could be re-factored in five minutes to save several function and
host method calls, not to mention the creation of up to five elements.

When choosing a browser script, one of the first questions should be
who: wrote it and what is their relative level of proficiency? It's
not a "personal smear" to make a judgment call at this point. The
authors are obviously yet another batch of clueless neophytes (see
also jQuery, Prototype, Dojo, YUI, ExtJS, MooTools, etc.) Suffice to
say that leaning on a script written by such authors is going to lead
to problems. Readers with even the slightest experience in cross-
browser scripting can stamp this one "Avoid at all Costs" and move on
at this point (if they haven't already).

if (Ext.isArray(config.preloadImages)) {

Oops. There is no way to write a reliable "isArray" function in JS.
And as above, there is no reason to do anything more than a boolean
type conversion here (as long as the documentation indicates that this
property must be an array). Anything "truthy" that is not an array
will result in a silent failure as written, which is the least helpful
result (often described as "robustness" by library authors).

for (var i = config.preloadImages.length - 1; i >= 0; i--)

How about:-

for (var i = config.preloadImages.length; i--;) {

Sure that's a minor quibble, but it is yet another glimpse into the
authors' proficiency (or lack thereof). We are only a few dozen lines
in and virtually every line needs to be rewritten (which should take
*one* proficient JS developer about ten minutes).

(new Image()).src = config.preloadImages[i];

if (Ext.isFunction(config.onReady)) {
Ext.onReady(config.onReady, config.scope || window);

As we'll see, the isFunction function is yet another dubious entry.
And scope has *nothing* to do with the - this - despite the insistence
of seemingly every "major" library author. In this case, it's not
just a naming snafu as the ExtJS developers constantly refer to - this
- as "scope" in their documentation and support forums. And if they
don't understand why that is wrong, they haven't gotten past the first
page of the manual. I wonder what they call scope. Bananas?
Seriously, you have to wonder if these developers understand the
language they are using at all.

Ext.apply = function(object, config, defaults) {
// no "this" reference for friendly out of scope calls

There they go again.

if (defaults) {

What? No isObject call? :)

Ext.apply(object, defaults);
if (object && config && typeof config == 'object') {
for (var key in config) {

Oops. Unfiltered for-in loops are a very bad idea (at least for
scripts deployed on the Web). If this script is mashed up with
something that augments Object.prototype (e.g. older versions of the
unfortunately named Prototype library), all hell will break loose here
(in the deepest part of their core).

object[key] = config[key];
return object;

Calling this function "apply" was a pretty silly idea as well (because
of Function.prototype.apply). You've got to wonder if the authors are
that out of touch (no pun intended) or simply trying to confuse
beginners to keep them dependent on their dubious offerings. Both are
unsavory prospects.

Ext.apply(Ext, {
userAgent: navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(),

Nellie bar the door. As has been known for a decade, referencing this
deception device cannot lead to anything good.

applyIf : function(object, config) {
var property, undefined;

There's no need to declare a local "undefined" identifier.

if (object) {
for (property in config) {

Another unfiltered for-in.

if (object[property] === undefined) {

Just use the typeof operator.

object[property] = config[property];
return object;

* Repaints the whole page. This fixes frequently encountered
painting issues in mobile Safari.

Their "fix" is nothing but a mystical incantation. Clearly their
script has had problems with the one platform they seek to support,
but rather than attempting to understand the cause of these problems,
they've resorted to nonsense code that appears to "fix" the problem in
whatever mobile devices they had handy to test with at the time of

repaint : function() {
var mask = Ext.getBody().createChild({
cls: 'x-mask x-mask-transparent'

Here they create and immediately discard a wrapper object for

setTimeout(function() {
}, 0);

ISTM that using 0 for the second argument to setTimeout is ill-advised
(as is the implied global).


* Generates unique ids. If the element already has an id, it is
* @param {Mixed} el (optional) The element to generate an id for
* @param {String} prefix (optional) Id prefix (defaults "ext-
* @return {String} The generated Id.
id : function(el, prefix) {
return (el = Ext.getDom(el) || {}).id = || (prefix ||
"ext-gen") + (++Ext.idSeed);

That's just plain ridiculous and falls under the category of "concise"
code that is all the rage these days. How about something like this:-

var id;

if (typeof el == 'string') { // ID passed, find it
el = document.getElementById(el);

if (el) { // Element exists
if ( { // Has an ID
id =;
} else { // Does not have an ID, assign
id = = (prefix || "ext-gen") + (++Ext.idSeed);

return id; // undefined if element not found

It's not as if that will be any longer once white space and comments
are removed. Will be a hell of a lot easier to maintain and debug as
well (no phantom ID's generated).

[skipped tired old Ext "class" related functions]

urlEncode : function(o, pre){
var empty,
buf = [],
e = encodeURIComponent;

Ext.iterate(o, function(key, item){

Why not just use a for-in loop? If the (omitted) comments are to be
believed, then o is only allowed to be an Object object. The iterate
function makes calls to isObject, isEmpty and isIterable in a futile
attempt to support Object, Array and host objects with one function.

empty = Ext.isEmpty(item);

As we shall see, isEmpty is another unnecessary function and itself
calls isArray (of all things).

Ext.each(empty ? key : item, function(val){
buf.push('&', e(key), '=', (!Ext.isEmpty(val) && (val !
= key || !empty)) ? (Ext.isDate(val) ? Ext.encode(val).replace(/"/g,
'') : e(val)) : '');

Hmmm. Skipping ahead, the Ext.encode function is defined as:-

* Shorthand for {@link Ext.util.JSON#encode}
* @param {Mixed} o The variable to encode
* @return {String} The JSON string
* @member Ext
* @method encode
Ext.encode = Ext.util.JSON.encode;

And the "longhand" version is defined as:-

* @class Ext.util.JSON

How is an object literal a class?

* Modified version of Douglas Crockford"s json.js that doesn"t
* mess with the Object prototype
* @singleton


Ext.util.JSON = {
encode : function(o) {
return JSON.stringify(o);

Now what does JSON have to do with urlencoding dates?

So far none of this is anything close to professional code and much of
it is positively senseless. Still no sign of HTML5 either. :)

On to decoding:-

* Takes an encoded URL and and converts it to an object. Example:
* <pre><code>
Ext.urlDecode("foo=1&bar=2"); // returns {foo: "1", bar: "2"}
Ext.urlDecode("foo=1&bar=2&bar=3&bar=4", false); // returns {foo: "1",
bar: ["2", "3", "4"]}

Of course, none of those are URL's.

* @param {String} string
* @param {Boolean} overwrite (optional) Items of the same name
will overwrite previous values instead of creating an an array
(Defaults to false).
* @return {Object} A literal with members

A what?!

urlDecode : function(string, overwrite){
return {};
var obj = {},
pairs = string.split('&'),
d = decodeURIComponent,
Ext.each(pairs, function(pair) {
pair = pair.split('=');
name = d(pair[0]);
value = d(pair[1]);
obj[name] = overwrite || !obj[name] ? value :
return obj;

Interesting. No call to Ext.decode. I guess JSON is only related to
encoding URL's. :)

* Convert certain characters (&, <, >, and ') to their HTML
character equivalents for literal display in web pages.
* @param {String} value The string to encode
* @return {String} The encoded text
htmlEncode : function(value){
return Ext.util.Format.htmlEncode(value);

Unnecessary bloat and another unneeded function call. Odd choices for
a mobile framework.

* Appends content to the query string of a URL, handling logic
for whether to place
* a question mark or ampersand.
* @param {String} url The URL to append to.
* @param {String} s The content to append to the URL.
* @return (String) The resulting URL
urlAppend : function(url, s){

Another half-dozen unneeded function calls. This would be bad enough
in and of itself, but the functions in question are highly dubious as
well. Try this:-

if (s) {

return url + (url.indexOf('?') === -1 ? '?' : '&') + s;

No need for a strict comparison there. It's ham-fisted and makes
future maintainers (and reviewers) have to pause and wonder why they
did it.

return url;

* Converts any iterable (numeric indices and a length property)
into a true array

There's no such thing as an "iterable" or a "true array".

* Don't use this on strings. IE doesn't support "abc"[0] which
this implementation depends on.

Oh, I they needn't worry about IE. ;)

* For strings, use this instead: "abc".match(/./g) => [a,b,c];

That's a syntax error (so don't use it).

* @param {Iterable} the iterable object to be turned into a true
* @return (Array) array
toArray : function(array, start, end){
return, start || 0, end ||

That will blow up in IE < 9.


* Iterates an array calling the supplied function.

Not according to the next line.

* @param {Array/NodeList/Mixed} array The array to be iterated.
If this

There is no way to reliably differentiate between Array and host
objects (so don't design systems that hinge on making that work). And
I don't know what a "Mixed" is supposed to be.

each : function(array, fn, scope) {

That's not scope! :)

if (Ext.isEmpty(array, true)) {
return 0;

Whatever. They'd have been much better off copying
Array.prototype.forEach (then they could use that when available).

if (!Ext.isIterable(array) || Ext.isPrimitive(array)) {
array = [array];

Now there's a bizarre disjunction. If it is not "iterable" or it is a
primitive? You have to wonder what sort of "iterable" their code
would identify as a primitive. It's positively Dojo-esque (meaning
full of incomprehensible intertwined type-checking calls where none
are needed).

for (var i = 0, len = array.length; i < len; i++) {
if ( || array[i], array[i], i, array) ===
false) {

Why would they set - this - to array[i]? That's going to lead to some
odd results.

return i;
return true;

iterate : function(obj, fn, scope){
if (Ext.isIterable(obj)) {
Ext.each(obj, fn, scope);
else if(Ext.isObject(obj)) {
for (var prop in obj) {
if (obj.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {

Finally, a filter! :) Inconsistent with the rest though. You've got
to wonder if they simply forgot to filter the others. More likely
this is simply a slap-dash patchwork of previous scripts (e.g. ExtJS,

if ( || obj, prop, obj[prop], obj)
=== false) {

The indisputedly unreliable (and wholly unneeded) type-checking
permeates everything. All hopes of cross-browser compatibility are
lost (for no other reason than the authors were/are too green to
design a system this complicated).

* <b>Note</b>: the dom node to be found actually needs to exist
(be rendered, etc)
* when this method is called to be successful.
* @param {Mixed} el

Apparently "Mixed" means "botched". In this case, the function is
expected to discriminate between native and host objects. Such
"overloading" strategies are highly ill-advised in JS, yet seemingly
everything in this script relies on them.

* @return HTMLElement
getDom : function(el) {
if (!el || !document) {
return null;

Now when is document going to type-convert to false?

return el.dom ? el.dom : (typeof el == 'string' ?
document.getElementById(el) : el);

* Returns the current document body as an {@link Ext.Element}.
* @return Ext.Element The document body
getBody : function(){
return Ext.get(document.body || false);

More gobbledygook. It's as if every line is designed with madness in
mind. The first line of Ext.get is:-

return null;

....and it's not as if document.body will be missing in either of the
two browsers they aspire to support. Regardless, why not something
like this:-

var body = document.body;
return body ? Ext.get(body) : null;

Function calls are not free and a "mobile framework" needs to be as
efficient as possible due to the limited resources available to mobile
browsers. By the same token, property access costs and this thing
uses them constantly when they could easily be avoided.

* Returns the current HTML document object as an {@link
* @return Ext.Element The document
getDoc : function(){
return Ext.get(document);

This is jQuery-itis. In other words, an API abstraction that makes no
sense. Why would they wrap a document object in an Ext.Element
object. After all, elements and documents are very different types of
DOM nodes. What do the element-specific methods do for documents?
And assuming there are any document-specific methods, what do they do
for elements? It's mind-boggling. The only rationalization I've
heard for such a bizarre design is that Web developers could be
confused by more than one wrapper type. :)

* This is shorthand reference to {@link Ext.ComponentMgr#get}.
* Looks up an existing {@link Ext.Component Component} by {@link
Ext.Component#id id}
* @param {String} id The component {@link Ext.Component#id id}
* @return Ext.Component The Component, <tt>undefined</tt> if not
found, or <tt>null</tt> if a
* Class was found.
getCmp : function(id){
return Ext.ComponentMgr.get(id);

Another ridiculous waste of time and space.

So far, everything that can go wrong has gone wrong. Literally. No
doubt, this is somehow my fault. In other words, if I hadn't pointed
out all of these problems then they wouldn't exist. :)

* Returns the current orientation of the mobile device
* @return {String} Either 'portrait' or 'landscape'
getOrientation: function() {
return window.innerHeight > window.innerWidth ? 'portrait' :

Highly dubious and virtually never needed. In the same way that older
libraries attempt to replace rock-solid mechanisms like IE's
conditional comments with browser sniffing, this attempts to can CSS3
media queries.

Of course, you can't sell what you can't can. :)

* <p>Removes this element from the document, removes all DOM
event listeners, and deletes the cache reference.
* All DOM event listeners are removed from this element. If
{@link Ext#enableNestedListenerRemoval} is
* <code>true</code>, then DOM event listeners are also removed
from all child nodes. The body node
* will be ignored if passed in.</p>
* @param {HTMLElement} node The node to remove
removeNode : function(n){
if (n && n.parentNode && n.tagName != 'BODY') {

Checking for the body is ludicrous. If the calling application fouls
up and passes the body, a silent failure will only obscure the
mistake, making it harder for the developers to track it down. Same
for checking the parentNode property.


Almost certainly unneeded. If their EventManager thing actually
creates circular references then they should fix that, not dance
around the problem with this outdated Crockfordian strategy. And
regardless, this script won't work with IE (the browser with the
circular reference problem) anyway.

delete Ext.cache[];

* Attempts to destroy any objects passed to it by removing all
event listeners, removing them from the
* DOM (if applicable) and calling their destroy functions (if
available). This method is primarily
* intended for arguments of type {@link Ext.Element} and {@link
Ext.Component}, but any subclass of

There are no classes in JS, so there can be no subclasses.

* {@link Ext.util.Observable} can be passed in. Any number of
elements and/or components can be
* passed into this function in a single call as separate
* @param {Mixed} arg1 An {@link Ext.Element}, {@link
Ext.Component}, or an Array of either of these to destroy

Again, you cannot reliably tell an Object from an Array object.
Designing such systems in JS is like deliberately walking into a wall
(over and over in the case of this script).

* @param {Mixed} arg2 (optional)
* @param {Mixed} etc... (optional)
destroy : function() {
var ln = arguments.length,
i, arg;
for (i = 0; i < ln; i++) {
arg = arguments[i];
if (arg) {
if (Ext.isArray(arg)) {
this.destroy.apply(this, arg);
else if (Ext.isFunction(arg.destroy)) {
else if (arg.dom) {

isIterable : function(v){
//check for array or arguments
if(Ext.isArray(v) || v.callee){
return true;

The isArray function is unreliable and the presence of a "callee"
property does not indicate anything close to what they are trying to
determine (see their previous definition of an "iterable"). And
you've got to wonder what sort of strange design would require passing
the arguments object to a function like this. I mean, the only way a
variable could reference an arguments objects is by explicitly setting
it to reference an arguments object.

//check for node list type
return true;

Not only is the RegExp botched, but host objects are allowed to return
*anything* in response to a toString call. For example, this will
fail in many versions of IE (and presumably at least some of its
mobile derivations). Of course, this script will fall flat on its
face in IE anyway, for no reason other than dubious design decisions.

//NodeList has an item and length property
//IXMLDOMNodeList has nextNode method, needs to be checked

Suffice to say that an application that needs to pass an XML nodelist
to this function is doomed from the start. Likely that includes the
framework itself.

return ((typeof v.nextNode != 'undefined' || v.item) &&

Ext.isNumber is another one of the botched (and unneeded) type-
checking functions.

So obviously, the "isIterable" function is an untenable (and unneeded)
design. And each time the authors hit upon a host object that
returned the "wrong" result they added another set of checks to make
it "right", instead of realizing they were pissing in the wind from
the start. Again, very Dojo-esque.

* Utility method for validating that a value is numeric,
returning the specified default value if it is not.
* @param {Mixed} value Should be a number, but any type will be
handled appropriately
* @param {Number} defaultValue The value to return if the
original value is non-numeric
* @return {Number} Value, if numeric, else defaultValue
num : function(v, defaultValue){
v = Number(Ext.isEmpty(v) || Ext.isArray(v) || typeof v ==
'boolean' || (typeof v == 'string' && v.trim().length == 0) ? NaN :
return isNaN(v) ? defaultValue : v;

Another faulty design, rendered in typically bizarre and unreliable
fashion (nothing that calls isArray can be considered reliable). And
you really must wonder what sort of application would need such a

* <p>Returns true if the passed value is empty.</p>
* <p>The value is deemed to be empty if it is<div class="mdetail-
* <li>null</li>
* <li>undefined</li>
* <li>an empty array</li>
* <li>a zero length string (Unless the <tt>allowBlank</tt>
parameter is <tt>true</tt>)</li>
* </ul></div>
* @param {Mixed} value The value to test
* @param {Boolean} allowBlank (optional) true to allow empty
strings (defaults to false)
* @return {Boolean}
isEmpty : function(v, allowBlank) {
return v == null || ((Ext.isArray(v) && !v.length)) || (!
allowBlank ? v === '' : false);

Another call to isArray, which means the previous functions results in
two calls to that unreliable function. There appears to be no real
design work here, just a bunch of ill-advised functions tangled up in
haphazard fashion. I can hear the chorus of "show me where it fails"
now. :)

And again, read the description and wonder what sort of strange
application would need such a function.

* Returns true if the passed value is a JavaScript array,
otherwise false.
* @param {Mixed} value The value to test
* @return {Boolean}
isArray : function(v) {
return Object.prototype.toString.apply(v) === '[object

There it is. The "Miller Device" has been proven unreliable.

* Returns true if the passed object is a JavaScript date object,
otherwise false.
* @param {Object} object The object to test
* @return {Boolean}
isDate : function(v) {
return Object.prototype.toString.apply(v) === '[object Date]';


* Returns true if the passed value is a JavaScript Object,
otherwise false.
* @param {Mixed} value The value to test
* @return {Boolean}
isObject : function(v) {
return !!v && === '[object

The left part of the conjunction is clearly unneeded. And if they
would just stop to think about their design, they'd realize that a
typeof test would do just as well if they disallowed host objects as
arguments to this function (which they should do anyway).

* Returns true if the passed value is a JavaScript 'primitive', a
string, number or boolean.
* @param {Mixed} value The value to test
* @return {Boolean}
isPrimitive : function(v) {
return Ext.isString(v) || Ext.isNumber(v) || Ext.isBoolean(v);

This review could really be compressed to a string of "unneeded and
botched" comments (a good ways through the core of this thing nothing
is close to competently designed or implemented). Trying to learn
anything about browser scripting from the code and/or documentation of
scripts like this is hopeless as the authors mangle virtually every
aspect of the language (e.g. scope, primitives, literals, etc.) Yet
somehow many developers have come to the conclusion that they *must*
abdicate all responsibility for browser scripting to "expert" efforts
like this one.

* Returns true if the passed value is a JavaScript Function,
otherwise false.
* @param {Mixed} value The value to test
* @return {Boolean}
isFunction : function(v) {
return Object.prototype.toString.apply(v) === '[object

Unneeded and botched. The ambiguities that led to the advent of the
(unreliable) "Miller Device" do not apply to Function objects (i.e.
just use typeof). But I suppose the "designers" wanted to allow for
discrimination between RegExp, Function and host objects, despite the
fact that there is no practical application for such testing.
Ironically, defenders of such scripts often pepper their retorts with
references to the "real world". :)

* Returns true if the passed value is a number. Returns false for
non-finite numbers.
* @param {Mixed} value The value to test
* @return {Boolean}
isNumber : function(v) {
return Object.prototype.toString.apply(v) === '[object
Number]' && isFinite(v);

Unneeded and botched. Recall that isPrimitive calls this, yet it is
clearly "designed" to allow Number objects to slip through.

* Returns true if the passed value is a string.
* @param {Mixed} value The value to test
* @return {Boolean}
isString : function(v) {
return Object.prototype.toString.apply(v) === '[object

Unneeded and botched (see previous).

* Returns true if the passed value is a boolean.
* @param {Mixed} value The value to test
* @return {Boolean}
isBoolean : function(v) {
return Object.prototype.toString.apply(v) === '[object

Clearly we are dealing with a cargo cult here, copying and pasting
patterns of code without the slightest understanding of what it does.
This one reduces to:-

isBoolean : function(v) {
return typeof v == 'boolean';

....which is clearly a waste of a function call (why wouldn't you just
use the typeof operator in the first place?)

* Returns true if the passed value is an HTMLElement
* @param {Mixed} value The value to test
* @return {Boolean}
isElement : function(v) {
return !!v && v.tagName;

Unneeded and botched.

* Returns true if the passed value is not undefined.
* @param {Mixed} value The value to test
* @return {Boolean}
isDefined : function(v){
return typeof v !== 'undefined';

Unneeded function with an unneeded strict comparison.

* URL to a blank file used by Ext when in secure mode for iframe src
and onReady src to prevent
* the IE insecure content warning (<tt>'about:blank'</tt>, except for
IE in secure mode, which is <tt>'javascript:""'</tt>).
* @type String
Ext.SSL_SECURE_URL = Ext.isSecure && 'about:blank';

Huh? This is isSecure:-

isSecure : /^https/i.test(window.location.protocol), if the document is not served with the https protocol, the above
will be false (which is obviously not a string).

Ext.ns = Ext.namespace;

Why? To save themselves keystrokes? Or perhaps this is a misguided
attempt to shorten the download. Either way it makes no sense.

I'm still looking for the first bit that indicates some semblance of
sense. Though I know there are those who will dismiss this review in
light of the really "cool" Solitaire demo. In other words, regardless
of how bad the code is, if any sort of application can be demonstrated
to "work" in at least two browsers, then arguments about the quality
of the code can be dismissed out of hand (commonly phrased as "we
write code for users!").


Another waste of time and space, though I am sure some misguided
programmers would consider this more "advanced" than simple assigning
properties to the Ext object.

I skipped the "namespace" function; here it is:-

* Creates namespaces to be used for scoping variables and classes
so that they are not global.

Scoping?! This (repeated) criticism is not being petty. I run into
programmers all the time who use the term "scope" to refer to all
sorts of things that have nothing to do with scope. I have to wonder
what word they would use if they actually wanted to discuss scope
(it's not as if scope is an arcane subject in the context of JS).
Scripts and comments like this are to blame.

* Specifying the last node of a namespace implicitly creates all
other nodes. Usage:
* <pre><code>
Ext.namespace('Company', '');
Ext.namespace(''); // equivalent and preferable to above
Company.Widget = function() { ... } = function(config) { ... }
* @param {String} namespace1
* @param {String} namespace2
* @param {String} etc
* @return {Object} The namespace object. (If multiple arguments
are passed, this will be the last namespace created)
* @method namespace
namespace : function() {
var ln = arguments.length,
i, value, split, x, xln;

for (i = 0; i < ln; i++) {
value = arguments[i];
parts = value.split(".");
object = window[parts[0]] = Object(window[parts[0]]);

As mentioned, using the window object in lieu of a reference to the
global object is a common rookie mistake.

And why are they calling Object? I suppose it is in the name of
"robustness" again, obscuring rather than exposing problems and making
the debugging of applications more difficult.

For example, assume that the global "Ext" variable unexpectedly has
been set to the primitive value of 5. Passing that to Object will
result in a Number object, not an Object object (clearly not what was
desired). The application developer should be aware that something
had gone horribly wrong prior to the conversion, so forcing the issue
is counter-productive.

for (x = 1, xln = parts.length; x < xln; x++) {
object = object[parts[x]] = Object(object[parts[x]]);

More of the same.

return object;

[Skip the usual ExtJS function wrapper suspects]

* @class String
* These functions are available on every String object.
Ext.applyIf(String.prototype, {

Good night.

Never did get to the HTML5 bits. Having reviewed the script in its
entirety for a client, I know they are few and far between. There's a
dozen line function to create AUDIO elements (complete with browser
sniffing and lacking any sort of feature detection), and another that
does the same for VIDEO elements. I don't know if localStorage is
part of the "official" HTML5 effort, but they've got a wrapper for
that. Oh and another dozen lines dealing with geolocation (also fuzzy
on whether that is part of HTML5). IIRC, that's about it.

As for the "touch" part. They've attempted to smooth out the
differences in the ontouch* event handling (between the two browsers
they aspire to support) using more browser sniffing. Also IIRC, they
attempt to synthesize the ongesture* events based on touches. Like
the rest of it, it's a tangled up house of cards.

Pretty lousy name too. Sencha doesn't exactly roll off the tongue,
does it? :)
From: Garrett Smith on
On 2010-07-15 08:38 PM, David Mark wrote:
> Sencha Touch is a bizarre mish-mash of ExtJS and a jQuery plug-in

The code Sencha, or "Ext Touch" is of such poor quality that it does not
seem worth reviewing and the flaws start from line 1.


> Yes, they plan to charge money for this thing.
> // for old browsers
> window.undefined = window.undefined;

Which of the two browsers is that for?

> First line and it is the usual rookie mistake. Note that this line
> runs in the global execution context, so - this - points to the global
> object. Why not use that instead of attempting to augment a host
> object? Likely because this line has been copied and pasted from a
> similarly ludicrous script that preceded it. There is no standard for
> the window object and, as a host object, it is explicitly allowed to
> throw an exception (or fail silently) in this case.
> This is not a minor quibble. IE can be configured to disallow host
> object expandos

Can it? How so?

Sencha is apparently not intended to be used on any version of Internet
Explorer. By including sencha js on a page, errors are thrown in
Internet Explorer due to calling document.addEventListener.

// for browsers that support DOMContentLoaded
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', fireReady, false);

The comment is very misleading. The addEventListener method is not
feature tested and despite what the comment says, it is not known if the
browser supports DOMContentLoaded or not. Other parts of Sencha have
code for Internet Explorer, so why did they design it to fail in IE on
this line? It would be trivial to provide a fallback for IE on that.


You're pulling weeds out of a patch of poison ivy. The design is the
problem and fixing those issues isn't gonna make much difference.

> Pretty lousy name too. Sencha doesn't exactly roll off the tongue,
> does it? :)

No, if they want to sell, then they got the name right, and they sure
did get investment money from it, so it is working.

Trends say that a name should be Japanese or have an "x" or an "i" in
it. The web page should use buzzwords. If intended for sale, then it can
make outlandish claims (because the fools with money will not know or
care), just so long as it has good-looking demos and graphics.

The website of, I read:

| Web Standards
| Sencha Touch is built with web standard HTML5, CSS3, and Javascript,
| making it a very flexible mobile app framework

HTML5 and CSS3 are not standards, they are what is known as W3C Working
Drafts <URL:>.
"Javascript" is not a web standard either. By using "built with," they
further avoid making claims of adherence to either of those drafts
allowing the reader to make a "very flexible" interpretation.

I'll cover some of the more significant flaws in Sencha later.
From: RobG on
On Jul 16, 1:38 pm, David Mark <dmark.cins...(a)> wrote:
> Sencha Touch is a bizarre mish-mash of ExtJS and a jQuery plug-in
> called JQTouch.  It is advertised as the first "HTML5 framework" based
> on "standards" like HTML5 and CSS3.  Of course, HTML5 is neither a
> standard nor widely implemented

Ah, but it's the next best buzz-word after "Web 2-point-oh" and

> and the script eschews CSS3 for
> proprietary WebKit extensions.  And the most bizarre thing is that
> very little of the script relates to HTML5.
> The script is touted as "cross-browser", despite the fact that it is
> admittedly dual-browser at best.  It weighs 228K (minified)

The other excuse is that it can be stored on the client using the
HTML5 cache. I think that cache will be abused by every library author
or web developer who finds it easier to dump a huge resource on the
client than write efficient code. Usually that means users of
inefficient frameworks.

> and
> several of its key features rely on UA-based browser sniffing.

There was a post in the iPhone GG recently from someone selling
platform statistics lamenting that you can't tell which model of
iPhone the browser is running in from the UA string.


> As for the "touch" part.  They've attempted to smooth out the
> differences in the ontouch* event handling (between the two browsers
> they aspire to support) using more browser sniffing.  Also IIRC, they
> attempt to synthesize the ongesture* events based on touches.  Like
> the rest of it, it's a tangled up house of cards.

I visited their site with an iPhone. Of the 3 demos listed, two didn't
work at all. The one that did was designed for iPad and was almost
useless on an iPhone.

From: David Mark on
On Jul 16, 1:28 am, Garrett Smith <dhtmlkitc...(a)> wrote:
> On 2010-07-15 08:38 PM, David Mark wrote:
> > Sencha Touch is a bizarre mish-mash of ExtJS and a jQuery plug-in
> The code Sencha, or "Ext Touch" is of such poor quality that it does not
> seem worth reviewing and the flaws start from line 1.

No question there, yet I predict that hordes of prospective mobile Web
developers will flock to it based on outrageous lies (also known as
marketing) and pretty graphics.

> [...]
> > Yes, they plan to charge money for this thing.
> > // for old browsers
> > window.undefined = window.undefined;
> Which of the two browsers is that for?

Well, neither of course. :)

I already reported this (and several other issues) to the author (or
the main author) of Sencha Touch. Predictably, just like the Dojo
hacks, he referred to my suggestions as "optimizations" (rather than
wholesale replacements of code so dubious it never should have been
written in the first place).

> > First line and it is the usual rookie mistake.  Note that this line
> > runs in the global execution context, so - this - points to the global
> > object.  Why not use that instead of attempting to augment a host
> > object?  Likely because this line has been copied and pasted from a
> > similarly ludicrous script that preceded it.  There is no standard for
> > the window object and, as a host object, it is explicitly allowed to
> > throw an exception (or fail silently) in this case.
> > This is not a minor quibble.  IE can be configured to disallow host
> > object expandos
> Can it? How so?

I think you know full well how so.

document.expando = false;

Perhaps you are quibbling with the use of the term "configure"?

> Sencha is apparently not intended to be used on any version of Internet
> Explorer.

Yes, apparently they don't "care" about IE, yet they mention IE in
their comments. And if not for highly dubious design decisions, the
script could easily run in any version of IE. Their justification is
likely that they didn't want to bloat their "svelte" 80K of
(compressed) code. Of course, My Library which runs in IE5-9 (and
virtually everything else) and features fifty times the functionality
is a little more than half that size (when compressed in the same

> By including sencha js on a page, errors are thrown in
> Internet Explorer due to calling document.addEventListener.

Which makes it fairly useless for the Web (if you only consider mobile

> // for browsers that support DOMContentLoaded
> document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', fireReady, false);
> The comment is very misleading. The addEventListener method is not
> feature tested and despite what the comment says, it is not known if the
> browser supports DOMContentLoaded or not.

No question there.

> Other parts of Sencha have
> code for Internet Explorer, so why did they design it to fail in IE on
> this line? It would be trivial to provide a fallback for IE on that.

Because it is a hastily thrown together mish-mash dressed up as a

> [...]
> You're pulling weeds out of a patch of poison ivy. The design is the
> problem and fixing those issues isn't gonna make much difference.

I agree that the entire thing should be scrapped and the authors are
clearly nowhere near proficient enough to write cross-browser
scripts. They've got little more than some pretty graphics and
bluster. But that never stopped jQuery (and many similar efforts) and
it didn't seem to register on the Ajaxian editors (of course, nothing
ever does).

> > Pretty lousy name too.  Sencha doesn't exactly roll off the tongue,
> > does it?  :)
> No, if they want to sell, then they got the name right,

How do you consider Sencha to be "right"?

> and they sure
> did get investment money from it, so it is working.

I know all about the millions they got recently, but that's not
exclusively because of this product. They have a whole host of bad
scripts and a history of selling them. It will be interesting to see
if they use any of that money to hire competent programmers.

> Trends say that a name should be Japanese or have an "x" or an "i" in
> it.

Who conducted that study? And I don't see an "x" or an "i" in Sencha.

> The web page should use buzzwords. If intended for sale, then it can
> make outlandish claims (because the fools with money will not know or
> care), just so long as it has good-looking demos and graphics.


> The website of, I read:
> | Web Standards
> | Sencha Touch is built with web standard HTML5, CSS3, and Javascript,
> | making it a very flexible mobile app framework

Lies, lies, lies.

> HTML5 and CSS3 are not standards, they are what is known as W3C Working
> Drafts <URL:>.

That's why I referred to them as "standards".

> "Javascript" is not a web standard either.

Sure as hell not the way they write it. :)

> By using "built with," they
> further avoid making claims of adherence to either of those drafts
> allowing the reader to make a "very flexible" interpretation.

If their brains are malleable enough.

> I'll cover some of the more significant flaws in Sencha later.

It certainly doesn't get any better from where I left off. If
anything, it gets much worse. I didn't even get to the most egregious
browser sniffs.

IIRC, there was a comment that indicated they would remove a sniff as
soon as Android supported something or other. And where will that
leave users of the older devices? We've gone from "aw, just get a new
browser" to "aw, just get a new phone". I suppose if you are "lucky"
you can just upgrade the device's OS and download another 228K of
Sencha (for each site that "upgrades" the script of course).

And at least for now, users of IE mobile, Blackberry and Opera Mini
browsers are left with a pile of error messages. But the marketers
spin that as covering a full 90% of the mobile Web (A-!).
From: David Mark on
On Jul 16, 2:16 am, RobG <rg...(a)> wrote:
> On Jul 16, 1:38 pm, David Mark <dmark.cins...(a)> wrote:
> > Sencha Touch is a bizarre mish-mash of ExtJS and a jQuery plug-in
> > called JQTouch.  It is advertised as the first "HTML5 framework" based
> > on "standards" like HTML5 and CSS3.  Of course, HTML5 is neither a
> > standard nor widely implemented
> Ah, but it's the next best buzz-word after "Web 2-point-oh" and
> "AJAX".

When did investment bankers turn into easily misdirected morons?
That's what I want to know.

> > and the script eschews CSS3 for
> > proprietary WebKit extensions.  And the most bizarre thing is that
> > very little of the script relates to HTML5.
> > The script is touted as "cross-browser", despite the fact that it is
> > admittedly dual-browser at best.  It weighs 228K (minified)
> The other excuse is that it can be stored on the client using the
> HTML5 cache.

I'm sure they will try, even though HTML5 is still a pipe dream. From
what I've heard the manifest stuff is a nightmare, particularly if
your scripts are ever-changing (as this one certainly will be). It's
another layer of complexity aimed at people who are overwhelmed to
begin with.

> I think that cache will be abused by every library author
> or web developer who finds it easier to dump a huge resource on the
> client than write efficient code. Usually that means users of
> inefficient frameworks.

Of course. They'll pass the "savings" on to the end-user.

> > and
> > several of its key features rely on UA-based browser sniffing.
> There was a post in the iPhone GG recently from someone selling
> platform statistics lamenting that you can't tell which model of
> iPhone the browser is running in from the UA string.

Right. The ExtJS (er Sencha) developers are already getting irritable
about people reporting that their stuff doesn't work. Lots of replies
in their support forums start along the lines of "We told you we only
care about version XYZ!". Like many JS library developers before
them, they create problems (usually through monumental incompetence)
and then get pissed off when people report them. If only people would
stop messing with their fantasies. :)

> [...]
> > As for the "touch" part.  They've attempted to smooth out the
> > differences in the ontouch* event handling (between the two browsers
> > they aspire to support) using more browser sniffing.  Also IIRC, they
> > attempt to synthesize the ongesture* events based on touches.  Like
> > the rest of it, it's a tangled up house of cards.
> I visited their site with an iPhone. Of the 3 demos listed, two didn't
> work at all.

Well, as the song goes, one out of three ain't bad. Oh wait... :)

> The one that did was designed for iPad and was almost
> useless on an iPhone.

Yes, their "Universal UI" turned out to be nonsense. They've since
changed their tune on it, describing it as an "experiment". I wonder
what would their bankers would think about investing millions in such

At this point, they've tried to support two (nearly identical)
browsers and failed miserably, even with the crutch of browser
sniffing. But if history (e.g. jQuery) is any indicator, their starry-
eyed fans will dismiss any attempts to disrupt their delusions by
rationalizing "aw, they'll get it right eventually" or "nobody's
perfect". Save time, save money, write less, do more, etc. Sound
familiar? :)