From: Juliet_W on

I am using snack to play utterances from a sound file.

snack:s play -start 300770 -end 328452

This works fine. However, the word is not always bounded by silence.
And, the abrupt edges create an unpleasant sound.

Snack proposes a filter command to apply fade-in and fade-out to the

So, I tried to create a linear fade-in filter over 200ms:

snack::filter fade in linear 200

- then to create a linear fade-out on 200ms:

snack::filter fade out linear 200

Finally I apply the filters :

s play -start 300770 -end 328452 -filter fade1 -filter fade2

It works. But it also generates a sound like a static noise at the
beginning at the sound (for fade-in)
or at the end (for the fade-out)

Changing to log or exponential filter types do not solve the problem.

By using larger values (500 ms, 1000 ms,..) , I noticed that sometimes
the fade-out is applied
but just stop before the end of the sound: So the sound fades out,
then play at original volume for the last part.
I suspect the static noise may result also from some kind of wrong
time positioning of the filter

Probably, I am not using these filters correctly.

Any tips on how I might accomplish this correctly would be very
Thanks in advance.
