From: Daniel Oliva on
I've been using John H Meyers' great software found here:

and here:

IMHO these are huge contributions to the HP community.

I wonder if there's anything similar for EQW entries. Of course one
can always save EQW entries as variables, just being curious if
something like that exists.
From: John H Meyers on
On 5/24/2010 2:36 AM, Daniel Oliva wrote:

> I wonder if there's anything similar for EQW entries.

When you exit the Equation or Matrix writers,
the result is left on the stack.

Any kind of result left on the stack, from any operation,
may, in turn, be added to the saved "command line" list,
by "editing" it with a program already included in the package
(simply press ENTER to make no changes).

You can then "recall" any result later,
return it to the stack, and press "Cursor Down"
to invoke EDITB ("best" editor, which will be
Equation Writer for algebraics, Matrix Writer for arrays, etc.)

If you want to skip the "Edit" step,
and just "push whatever is on the stack" into the saved list,
try something as simple as \<< EDITDECOMP$ \GaENTER \>>
(replace EDITDECOMP$ with its "SYSEVAL" call)

------ ------- ----------------

Note that the built-in hardware feature
"remember last four edited command lines" ("Last CMDS")
applies both to new and edited command lines, whereas the
"AlphaENTER" program which captures "unlimited" command lines
gets invoked by the OS only for new command lines.

That's why the package already contains an extra program
to let you extend the "save unlimited" feature to edited lines,
but you have to invoke that program manually, because the OS doesn't.

[r->] [OFF]
From: Daniel Oliva on
> Any kind of result left on the stack, from any operation,
> may, in turn, be added to the saved "command line" list,
> by "editing" it with a program already included in the package
> (simply press ENTER to make no changes).

Great! The program you mean is called "EDLC", it works as expected.

> If you want to skip the "Edit" step,
> and just "push whatever is on the stack" into the saved list,
> try something as simple as \<< EDITDECOMP$ \GaENTER \>>
> (replace EDITDECOMP$ with its "SYSEVAL" call)

> ------ ------- ----------------

Great idea.

Thanks for always being here John, your contribution is priceless.