From: Daniel Kolbo on
Richard Quadling wrote:
> On 12 July 2010 22:54, Daniel Kolbo <kolb0057(a)> wrote:
>> Richard Quadling wrote:
>>> On 11 July 2010 23:19, Daniel Kolbo <kolb0057(a)> wrote:
>>>> Hello PHPers,
>>>> I'm having some trouble understanding some PHP behaviour. The following
>>>> example script exhibits the behaviour which I cannot understand.
>>>> [code]
>>>> <?php
>>>> class A
>>>> {
>>>> public static $a = 3;
>>>> function __construct()
>>>> {
>>>> //self::$a = $this; //[i]
>>>> self::$a =& $this; //[ii]
>>>> }
>>>> }
>>>> class B extends A
>>>> {
>>>> function __construct()
>>>> {
>>>> parent::__construct();
>>>> }
>>>> }
>>>> class C {
>>>> var $c;
>>>> function __construct()
>>>> {
>>>> $this->c =& A::$a;
>>>> }
>>>> }
>>>> $c = new C;
>>>> $b = new B;
>>>> $cee = new C;
>>>> var_dump($c->c); // [i] prints object(B), but [ii] prints int 3
>>>> var_dump($cee->c); // [i] prints object(B), and [ii] prints object(B)
>>>> ?>
>>>> [/code]
>>>> Why does $c->c print 'int 3' ?
>>>> I'm nervous to use "self::$a = $this;" because I don't want to be
>>>> copying the whole object. However, isn't $this just a reference to the
>>>> object, so "self::$a = $this;" is just copying the reference and not the
>>>> actual object, right?
>>>> Thanks in advance
>>> What do you think the value should be?
>>> A static property is bound to the class and not to an instance of the class.
>>> So, &A::$a is a reference to the static value. If you alter the value,
>>> it will be altered for a subclasses of A and for any other reference
>>> to it.
>> I think
>> var_dump($c->c); would print object(B), but it's printing int 3.
>> The reference is *not* being updated. I think this is a bug. What do
>> you think?
>> Thanks
>> `
> What version of PHP are you using?
I'm using:
PHP Version 5.2.13
From: Daniel Kolbo on
Richard Quadling wrote:
> On 13 July 2010 09:46, Richard Quadling <rquadling(a)> wrote:
>> On 12 July 2010 22:54, Daniel Kolbo <kolb0057(a)> wrote:
>>> Richard Quadling wrote:
>>>> On 11 July 2010 23:19, Daniel Kolbo <kolb0057(a)> wrote:
>>>>> Hello PHPers,
>>>>> I'm having some trouble understanding some PHP behaviour. The following
>>>>> example script exhibits the behaviour which I cannot understand.
>>>>> [code]
>>>>> <?php
>>>>> class A
>>>>> {
>>>>> public static $a = 3;
>>>>> function __construct()
>>>>> {
>>>>> //self::$a = $this; //[i]
>>>>> self::$a =& $this; //[ii]
>>>>> }
>>>>> }
>>>>> class B extends A
>>>>> {
>>>>> function __construct()
>>>>> {
>>>>> parent::__construct();
>>>>> }
>>>>> }
>>>>> class C {
>>>>> var $c;
>>>>> function __construct()
>>>>> {
>>>>> $this->c =& A::$a;
>>>>> }
>>>>> }
>>>>> $c = new C;
>>>>> $b = new B;
>>>>> $cee = new C;
>>>>> var_dump($c->c); // [i] prints object(B), but [ii] prints int 3
>>>>> var_dump($cee->c); // [i] prints object(B), and [ii] prints object(B)
>>>>> ?>
>>>>> [/code]
>>>>> Why does $c->c print 'int 3' ?
>>>>> I'm nervous to use "self::$a = $this;" because I don't want to be
>>>>> copying the whole object. However, isn't $this just a reference to the
>>>>> object, so "self::$a = $this;" is just copying the reference and not the
>>>>> actual object, right?
>>>>> Thanks in advance
>>>> What do you think the value should be?
>>>> A static property is bound to the class and not to an instance of the class.
>>>> So, &A::$a is a reference to the static value. If you alter the value,
>>>> it will be altered for a subclasses of A and for any other reference
>>>> to it.
>>> I think
>>> var_dump($c->c); would print object(B), but it's printing int 3.
>>> The reference is *not* being updated. I think this is a bug. What do
>>> you think?
>>> Thanks
> Aha!
> $c = new C;
> At this stage $c->c will be a reference to the static A::$a = 3.
> $b = new B;
> Now, as B's constructor calls A's constructor which replaces the
> static A::$a with a reference to the instance $b, the static A::$a
> should now be $b
> $cee = new C;
> At this stage $cee->c will be a reference to the static A::$a = $b.
> But, when var_dump()'d, $c->c !== $cee->c, and I think they should as
> both have been assigned to a reference of a static.
> It would seem to be a bug.
> I get the same output for V5.0.0 to V5.3.3RC2
Thanks for confirming. I reported the bug. I shortened up the test
script quite a bit. Please see: Bug #52332
From: "Ford, Mike" on
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Daniel Kolbo [mailto:kolb0057(a)]
> Sent: 11 July 2010 23:19
> Hello PHPers,
> I'm having some trouble understanding some PHP behaviour. The
> following
> example script exhibits the behaviour which I cannot understand.

I'm pretty sure that this is *not* a bug. I'll answer your last
question first, and then demonstrate with your code.

> I'm nervous to use "self::$a = $this;" because I don't want to be
> copying the whole object. However, isn't $this just a reference to
> the
> object, so "self::$a = $this;" is just copying the reference and not
> the
> actual object, right?

Not exactly, although everybody seems to refer to it as a reference
for convenience. Most of the time it doesn't matter, but when you
start introducing references to objects it can - it's better to think
of an object variable as holding the object's *handle*
(see for more on this), so
it's clear exactly what a reference is referencing.

Now for your code:

> [code]
> <?php
> class A
> {
> public static $a = 3;
> function __construct()
> {
> //self::$a = $this; //[i]
> self::$a =& $this; //[ii]
> }
> }
> class B extends A
> {
> function __construct()
> {
> parent::__construct();
> }
> }
> class C {
> var $c;
> function __construct()
> {
> $this->c =& A::$a;
> }
> }
> $c = new C;

[i] & [ii] in C::__construct(): $c->c = reference to same value as
A::$a (currently (int)3)
NOTE: because of how references work, A::$a is now also a
reference to (int)3.

> $b = new B;

[i] in A::__construct(): A::$a = handle of object B(1) (also assigned to
global $b)
NOTE: $c->c, as reference to $A::a, now also references handle of
object B(1)

[ii] in A::__construct(): A::$a = reference to handle of object B(1)
NOTE: since we are assigning a new reference to a variable which is
already a reference, ONLY this reference changes -- so $c->c
is still a reference to (int)3...!

> $cee = new C;

Irrelevant -- the damage has already been done!

> var_dump($c->c); // [i] prints object(B), but [ii] prints int 3
> var_dump($cee->c); // [i] prints object(B), and [ii] prints
> object(B)

.... which is correct according to my interpretation.

This has been such a regular confusion, that some time ago I wrote
this test script:


class test {

public $me;

$t = new test;
$t->me = 'Original';

$copy_t = $t;
$ref_t = &$t;

$copy_t = new test;
$copy_t->me = 'Altered Copy';

echo <<<RESULT1
Original: $t->me<br />
Copy: $copy_t->me<br />
Reference: $ref_t->me<br />

$ref_t = new test;
$ref_t->me = 'Altered Reference';

echo <<<RESULT2
<br />
Original: $t->me<br />
Copy: $copy_t->me<br />
Reference: $ref_t->me<br />

$s = 'String';

$copy_s = $s;
$ref_s = &$s;

$copy_s = 'String Copy';

echo <<<RESULT3
<br />
Original: $s<br />
Copy: $copy_s<br />
Reference: $ref_s<br />

$ref_s = 'String Reference';

echo <<<RESULT4
<br />
Original: $s<br />
Copy: $copy_s<br />
Reference: $ref_s<br />


Which gives this output:

Original: Original
Copy: Altered Copy
Reference: Original

Original: Altered Reference
Copy: Altered Copy
Reference: Altered Reference

Original: String
Copy: String Copy
Reference: String

Original: String Reference
Copy: String Copy
Reference: String Reference

Which demonstrates how exactly the behaviour of objects correlates to
scalars with regards to copying and referencing -- but may not be
exactly what you expect if you think of object variables as always
holding a reference to the object. I would heartily recommend always
to think of an object variable as holding the object's *handle*, and
*not* a reference - this may croggle your brain a bit, but makes it a
Lot clearer what's happening in edge cases like this.



Mike Ford,
Electronic Information Developer, Libraries and Learning Innovation,
Leeds Metropolitan University, C507, Civic Quarter Campus,
Woodhouse Lane, LEEDS,  LS1 3HE,  United Kingdom
Tel: +44 113 812 4730

To view the terms under which this email is distributed, please go to
From: David Harkness on
Ah, so assigning a reference to a variable already holding a reference
changes that variable's reference only in the same way that unsetting a
reference doesn't unset the other variables referencing the same thing, yes?

$a = 5;
$b = &$a;
print $a;
> 5
unset($b); // does not affect $a
print $a;
> 5

// and according to Mike's previous message
$b = &$a;
$c = 10;
$b = &$c; // does not affect $a
print $a
> 5

That makes a lot of sense. If it didn't work this way there would be no easy
way to untangle references. In the case of

foreach($array as $key => &$value) { ... }

the first value in the array would continuously be overwritten by the next

1. $value gets reference to first array value
2. on each step through the loop, the first array value would be overwritten
by the next value in the loop since $value is forever tied to it by the
initial reference assignment.

That would be a Bad Thing (tm).

Thanks for the clarification, Mike.

From: Daniel Kolbo on

David Harkness wrote:
> Ah, so assigning a reference to a variable already holding a reference
> changes that variable's reference only in the same way that unsetting a
> reference doesn't unset the other variables referencing the same thing, yes?
> $a = 5;
> $b = &$a;
> print $a;
>> 5
> unset($b); // does not affect $a
> print $a;
>> 5
> // and according to Mike's previous message
> $b = &$a;
> $c = 10;
> $b = &$c; // does not affect $a
> print $a
>> 5
> That makes a lot of sense. If it didn't work this way there would be no easy
> way to untangle references. In the case of
> foreach($array as $key => &$value) { ... }
> the first value in the array would continuously be overwritten by the next
> value.
> 1. $value gets reference to first array value
> 2. on each step through the loop, the first array value would be overwritten
> by the next value in the loop since $value is forever tied to it by the
> initial reference assignment.
> That would be a Bad Thing (tm).
> Thanks for the clarification, Mike.
> David

The big "aha" moment for was when realizing that when assigning a
reference to a variable you only change its reference and not any other
variable that may also have shared the same reference. Yuck that's a
mouth full. This happened when Mike said, " NOTE: since we are
assigning a new reference to a variable which is already a reference,
ONLY this reference changes".

Yes, i agree with you David (on both of your points). Thanks for the
example using the unset. This further clarified/solidified my

Now, with this new understanding, I also wish to comment that if i
assign (without reference) $this, i don't have to be too worried about
bloating the memory, b/c i'm only assigning/copying the identifer or
*handle* and not the actual object itself.

In case, someone reads this in the archive the link is:

Mike, thank you a ton.
