From: DanB on
RB wrote:
> CHAR szRem[32];
> hResult = StringCchCopy(szRem, 32/sizeof(TCHAR), "PM_REMOVE");

Things have been said already. So in addition, if you are programing
with MFC, simply:

CString strRem( _T("PM_REMOVE") );

And get in the habit of using the _T macro. TCHAR without it doesn't
make any sense. I said it again as this will pay off later. My fingers
automatically do it any more.

> LOGFONT NewFontLogStruct;
> if ( StringCchCopy( ( TCHAR* )&NewFontLogStruct.lfFaceName, sizeof ( NewFontLogStruct.lfFaceName), "Courier New" ) == S_OK);
> { //rest of program execution if the above StringCchCopy went ok }

You should have gotten a warning about that semicolon at the end of your
if(...); Compile with warnings cranked all the way up.

You should very rarely, and only if you really know better:
#pragma warning(disable : xxxx)

The call can simply be:
StringCchCopy( lf.lfFaceName, LF_FACESIZE, _T("Courier New") );

lfFaceName will be sized according to build as there is a LOGFONTW and a

From: RB on
Thanks to all replies (Giovanni, Oliver, Joe and DanB) this thread.
They were all excellent and very informative. And yes my (TCHAR*) was
an novice attempt to compile without an error rather than realize my code
was incorrectly implementing the address of the array[x].
All of you have given me everything I asked for and I feel that I can better
understand the concept now, which will help me implement the corrections
from a conceptual viewpoint as opposed to memorizing your examples.
Now if my Cad vocation and other home chores can allow me some time
to spend on improving my weak coding ability I can enjoy writing some
more code.
Very much appreciated, RB

From: RB on
> Note that you should not be dividing by sizeof(TCHAR), because you have
> declared the array as CHAR. It should be
> sizeof(szRem) / sizeof(szRem[0])
I think the above did more to move me in the right direction of ramifications of
the scale/size factor. I felt I understood this as soon as I saw it though I will have
to play with both non unicode and unicode compiles in the debugger to fully
visualize the concept.
I also read your reply to Oliver which understandably was a bit above my
understanding in whole, but I was able in part to get the direction of the context.
I have changed my implementation to the below.
if ( StringCchCopy ( NewFontLogStruct.lfFaceName,
sizeof ( NewFontLogStruct.lfFaceName) / sizeof(NewFontLogStruct.lfFaceName[0]),
_T("Courier New") ) == S_OK)
{ ..........}
I know from experience that if I have still missed the mark you will let me know.
Thanks either way.

From: Giovanni Dicanio on
"Joseph M. Newcomer" <newcomer(a)> ha scritto nel messaggio

> It should be
> sizeof(szRem) / sizeof(szRem[0])
> and this could be done in a template, which is how StringCchCopy does it.

Joe: I think that StringCchCopy does not use templates.

Reading <strsafe.h> that comes with VS2010, there is the usual UNICODE

#ifdef UNICODE
#define StringCchCopy StringCchCopyW
#define StringCchCopy StringCchCopyA
#endif // !UNICODE

and the signature of StringCchCopyW is:

__out_ecount(cchDest) STRSAFE_LPWSTR pszDest,
__in size_t cchDest,

(similar for StringCchCopyA).

So, there are no templates; and I think it is OK, because these functions
are exported with a pure-C interface, and templates are a C++-only concept.

Probably you had in mind that _countof() can be safely implemented using C++

In fact, for example, in VS2010's <atldef.h> header file, it can be read:


#if !defined(__cplusplus)
#define _countof(_Array) (sizeof(_Array) / sizeof(_Array[0]))
extern "C++"
template <typename _CountofType, size_t _SizeOfArray>
char (*__countof_helper(UNALIGNED _CountofType
#define _countof(_Array) sizeof(*__countof_helper(_Array))


So, in case of pure C (i.e. __cplusplus not defined), _countof() is
implemented in the usual (sizeof(array)/sizeof(array[0])) way.

But in case of C++ builds, they use the power of C++ templates in defining
Thanks to this template "magic" (template argument deduction), _countof
causes compile-time error if it is (mis)used with something different from a
static array (e.g. a pointer).
I mean, this code (which is wrong) compiles fine in C builds, but fails at
compile-time in C++ builds (VS2010):

TCHAR * pszBuffer;
int cchBuffer = _countof(pszBuffer);


From: Pete Delgado on

"Joseph M. Newcomer" <newcomer(a)> wrote in message
> THe CORRECT code would be
> CString Rem(_T("PM_REMOVE"));
> or possibly
> CStrin Rem = _T("PM_REMOVE"));

Skitt's Law: "Any post correcting an error in another post will contain at
least one error itself".

Sorry Joe, I couldn't resist! The obvious typo reminded me of the top 10
internet rules! ;-) The above article is funny and interesting reading


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