From: TJ Bandrowsky on
> hi all,
> I want to handle invalid pointer operations in my application using
> exception handling, in visual studio __try , __catch are used for SEH
> ( Structured Exception Handling) but how can I handle the same in GCC.

Your question really is to assume a fair amount of hardware support
and compilers that bend the rules of the C++ "only throw() can trigger
an exception" ideal. Libraries that are meant to portable tend to live
and die by this idea that catching an exception means the computer is
not fundamentally hosed up in some way. When you are catching
structured exceptions and moving on, obviously, that is just a hope.

But, if you must know... You are not the first to think of this. Been
there, done that. It's not as good as you think, but to do it,
there's two paths:First, there is a LibSEH for GCC that is a set of
some magricky that gives you structured exception handling for Windows
programs compiled with GCC. The other is use the /EHa (Yes with
structured exceptions) option of exception handling for your program.
That tells Visual C++ that catch (...) can catch SEH.

The problem is this: As it stands, on today's Intel / AMD hardware you
can only really tell if a pointer is bad if you try to write to a
segment you don't have access to. Since both x86 and x86-64 use flat
models for both Linux and Windows and Mac, that's basically your whole
address space that is writable is still hosed if you have an errant
pointer and there's nothing the hardware could do about it.

Still, the x86 does have a solution for you, but it is drastic: If you
really wanted to have genuinely good hardware pointer detection, you
would have to write your own operating system that uses 386 but with a
segmented memory model. Basically your application would have its own
LDT and each entry would be one pointer you would be allowed to own.
The hardware could be used to establish memory bounds on it I think in
4k increments and I think you could have a maximum of 8192 outstanding
at any one time. You would pay something of a terrible performance
penalty for this as you would have to hit the segment registers every
time you accessed a pointer and this would be pretty slow, but... the
hardware would guarantee your app would be pretty safe. Of course,
you would need to write your own C++ compiler or hack up one to know
about segments and so you'd have quite a bit of work cut out for you.
The unfortunate thing is, after you did all that, you'd be hosed for
64 bit mode because x86-64 basically says you are in flat mode and
that's that... the segment registers are just, well an appendage...

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From: Andrew on
On 8 Sep, 16:43, Sada <steggi...(a)> wrote:
> hi all,
> I want to handle invalid pointer operations in my application using
> exception handling, in visual studio __try , __catch are used for SEH
> ( Structured Exception Handling) but how can I handle the same in GCC.
> For example I want to catch EXC_BAD_ACCESS exception in my C++
> application.

There is no portable way to do this. MS compilers tend to convert
SEGVs to C++ exceptions by default but compilers in unix environments
will not do this (quite right too, IMHO).

But I understand the need to want to trap SEGVs and do something with
them. I once wrote a GUI program that trapped SEGVs so it could pop up
a dialog box that said "A fatal error has occurred, do you want to
produce a core dump?". You won't be able to do much in your SEGV
handler since you will be in the land of undefined behaviour. Also,
you will not get the nice stack unwinding that you get with
exceptions. Signals handlers work like non-local GOTOs (urrggh) so
there will be no cleanup, no destructors called etc.

I am not quite sure why you want to do this. Maybe it is similar to
the GUI program I mentioned. Handling errors in this way is IMO better
than just silently dying. But for command line standalone apps it
might be better to just let it core dump. This can be trapped by the
script that invokes it, or maybe even left to a general purpose health
monitoring facility such as HP OpenView, depending on the operational


Andrew Marlow

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