From: Richard Quadling on

I've been trying to use WinCache to allow me to pass data between 2
scripts, where script a launches script b.

I can do this at the command line easily enough ...

// test1.php
wincache_ucache_set('foobar', 'barfoo');
$a = wincache_ucache_get('foobar');
echo 'Entry in the cache is: ', $a;

$handle = fopen ("php://stdin","r");
$line = fgets($handle);


// test2.php
$a = wincache_ucache_get('foobar');
echo 'The entry from ucache is ', $a;

$handle = fopen ("php://stdin","r");
$line = fgets($handle);

and running these ...

start C:\PHP5\php.exe -f test1.php
start C:\PHP5\php.exe -f test2.php

Now I want to do something similar from a PHP script.

// controller.php
// Set the ucache values
// Launch child tasks
// Loop, reporting child values

// loop for a while, setting the ucache values for this child.

What I'm stuck with is how do I launch a PHP script so that it has the
launching script as the parent process _AND_ does not block execution
of the parent script.

I can launch them as separate processes in any number of ways, but
then the parent isn't known.

Any suggestions?

Richard Quadling
"Standing on the shoulders of some very clever giants!"
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