From: Sashi on
Hi all, I'm trying to do something like this.

update myTable
case length(duration)
when 8 then set hours = substr(duration,1,2)
else set hours = substr(duration,1, 1)
end case

Depending on the length of the 'duration' field, I'm trying to extract
either the first or the first two characters.
It ain't workin'.

Is such a construct possible withing pl/sql? The few examples that
I've googled around give easy options for using it within a select but
no examples within an update.

From: Maxim Demenko on
Sashi wrote:
> Hi all, I'm trying to do something like this.
> update myTable
> case length(duration)
> when 8 then set hours = substr(duration,1,2)
> else set hours = substr(duration,1, 1)
> end case
> Depending on the length of the 'duration' field, I'm trying to extract
> either the first or the first two characters.
> It ain't workin'.
> Is such a construct possible withing pl/sql? The few examples that
> I've googled around give easy options for using it within a select but
> no examples within an update.
> Thanks,
> Sashi

update mytable set hours=case when length(duration)=8 then
substr(duration,1,2) else substr(duration,1,1) end

or shorter

update mytable set

(assuming you wish update all rows in your table)
Best regards

From: Sasikanth Malladi on
On Oct 15, 11:28 am, Maxim Demenko <mdeme...(a)> wrote:
> update mytable set hours=case when length(duration)=8 then
> substr(duration,1,2) else substr(duration,1,1) end
> or shorter
> update mytable set
> hours=decode(length(duration),8,substr(duration,1,2),substr(duration,1,1))
> (assuming you wish update all rows in your table)
> Best regards
> Maxim

Great! Thank you!