From: K on
Hi all, I am using Visual Basic 2008. I am working on code with which
I can copy specified extention files from one folder to other. I need
two codes, one which can copy files of specified extention only from
top main folder and two which can copy files of specified extention
from top main folder as well as from all the subfolder which exist in
that top main folder. In these both codes I also need to have
progress bar code to show user the progress. I am struggling on this
and so far i came up with code (see below) which only copies files
from top main folder and i am getting error on line
"ProgressBar1.Value = (n / Fldrfl.Count) * 100". I'll be very
greatful if any friend can help me on this.

Private Sub Button3_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArgs) Handles Button3.Click
Dim FldrNm As String
Dim Fso As Object
Dim Fldr As Object
Dim Fldrfl As Object
Dim n As Long

FldrNm = TextBox1.Text
Fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Fldr = Fso.GetFolder(FldrNm)
For Each Fldrfl In Fldr.Files
If Microsoft.VisualBasic.Right(Fldrfl.Name,
Microsoft.VisualBasic.Len(Fldrfl.Name) -
Microsoft.VisualBasic.InStrRev(Fldrfl.Name, ".")) = TextBox2.Text Then
Fldrfl.Copy(TextBox3.Text & "\" & Fldrfl.Name)
n = n + 1
ProgressBar1.Value = (n / Fldrfl.Count) * 100
End If

Fldrfl = Nothing
Fldr = Nothing
Fso = Nothing

MsgBox("Files have been copied successful!", MsgBoxStyle.Information,
End If
End Sub
From: Andrew Morton on
K wrote:
> Hi all, I am using Visual Basic 2008. I am working on code with which
> I can copy specified extention files from one folder to other. I need
> two codes, one which can copy files of specified extention only from
> top main folder and two which can copy files of specified extention
> from top main folder as well as from all the subfolder which exist in
> that top main folder. In these both codes I also need to have
> progress bar code to show user the progress. I am struggling on this
> and so far i came up with code (see below) which only copies files
> from top main folder and i am getting error on line
> "ProgressBar1.Value = (n / Fldrfl.Count) * 100". I'll be very
> greatful if any friend can help me on this.

Go on, give us a chance - what's the error message?


> Private Sub Button3_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As
> System.EventArgs) Handles Button3.Click
> Dim FldrNm As String
> Dim Fso As Object
> Dim Fldr As Object
> Dim Fldrfl As Object
> Dim n As Long

Why Long rather than Integer?

> FldrNm = TextBox1.Text
> Fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

I'm pretty sure you'd be better off using System.IO for this sort of thing.

> Fldr = Fso.GetFolder(FldrNm)
> For Each Fldrfl In Fldr.Files
> If Microsoft.VisualBasic.Right(Fldrfl.Name,
> Microsoft.VisualBasic.Len(Fldrfl.Name) -
> Microsoft.VisualBasic.InStrRev(Fldrfl.Name, ".")) = TextBox2.Text Then

See System.IO.Path.GetExtension()

> Fldrfl.Copy(TextBox3.Text & "\" & Fldrfl.Name)
> n = n + 1
> ProgressBar1.Value = (n / Fldrfl.Count) * 100

You probably meant Fldr.Count

> Application.DoEvents()
> End If
> Next
> Fldrfl = Nothing
> Fldr = Nothing
> Fso = Nothing

In general, it's best not to set things to Nothing because it gets in the
way of garbage collection.

> MsgBox("Files have been copied successful!", MsgBoxStyle.Information,
> "Done!")
> End If
> End Sub


From: K on
Hi Andrew, Thanks for replying. Is it possible for you to write me a
code which can achive what i need.

From: Andrew Morton on
K wrote:
> Hi Andrew, Thanks for replying. Is it possible for you to write me a
> code which can achive what i need.

Well, I'm not very busy right now... tell us exactly what the code should
do - the names of your TextBoxes don't help to explain.


From: K on
Thanks for you help Andrew. Ok i have checkbox on my form saying
"include subforms". if checkbox is unticked then i want macro to copy
all those files which have extention ".xlsx" from folder "C\Documents
\Target" to "C\Documents\Destination". And if checkbox is ticked then
macro should copy all "xlsx" files from folder "C\Documents\Target" as
well as from all Subfolder which exists in folder "C\Documents
\Target" to "C\Documents\Destination". and i also what progress bar
code in between to show the progress. Please Note that macro should
only copy files of which attributes are not hidden. It might be
possible that file is open in the folder while macro is running. I
have slightly modified the code below so you can have good idea

Private Sub Button3_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArgs) Handles Button3.Click
Dim FldrNm As String
Dim Fso As Object
Dim Fldr As Object
Dim Fldrfl As Object
Dim n As Long

FldrNm = "C\Documents\Target"
Fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Fldr = Fso.GetFolder(FldrNm)
For Each Fldrfl In Fldr.Files
If Microsoft.VisualBasic.Right(Fldrfl.Name,
Microsoft.VisualBasic.Len(Fldrfl.Name) -
Microsoft.VisualBasic.InStrRev(Fldrfl.Name, ".")) = "xlsx"
Fldrfl.Copy("C\Documents\Destination" & "\" & Fldrfl.Name)
n = n + 1
ProgressBar1.Value = (n / Fldrfl.Count) * 100
End If

MsgBox("Files have been copied successful!", MsgBoxStyle.Information,
End If
End Sub

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