From: tfs on
In my MFC extended dll, during DLL_PROCESS_DETACH I add a clean-up function
to exit all worker-threads (created by AfxBeginThread(ThreadProc)). But if I
use WaitForSingleObject() to wait for the BG-thread to exit,
WaitForSingleObject() never returns:


CWinThread* pBGThread = < previously created by AfxBeginThread(ThreadProc,
....); >

HANDLE hThx = pBGThread->m_hThread;
// signal the ThreadProc() to exit
::WaitForSingleObject(hThx, INFINITE); // never returns, even though I've
debug-traced that ThreadProc() had already exited

However, if I use ::GetExitCodeThread() instead of ::WaitForSingleObject():

DWORD dwExitCode = 0;
while (::GetExitCodeThread(hThx, &dwExitCode)) {
if (dwExitCode != STILL_ACTIVE) break;
dwExitCode = 0;

at least it doesn't hang forever, but that is because ::GetExitCodeThread()
returns FALSE, and I do not have the required thread exit-code retrieved (I
deliberately put return 100 in ThreadProc(), but dwExitCode is 0).

Are the above problems simply because when the dll is in DLL_PROCESS_DETACH

From: Leo Davidson on
On Jun 26, 6:19 pm, tfs <t...(a)> wrote:

> Are the above problems simply because when the dll is in DLL_PROCESS_DETACH
> state?

Yes. It's wrong to do anything like that in DllMain, as per MSDN.

After reading MSDN (which is pretty vague beyond saying, basically,
"don't do anything much in DllMain"), read through all the OldNewThing
articles mentioning DllMain to learn some more.

Type this into google to find them: dllmain oldnewthing