From: Camille Couzi on

I am having some problems with my subplots. I am potting matrix on imagesc, and in these matrix I have some NaN values that I want to display in black:


When I do that, the titles and lables appear upside down.
After reading some posts on the internet I have found a possible solution: specify to matlab to use software as opengl:
opengl software

When I run my program like that the figures seem to be ok, but this warning message appear:
Warning: Texture data too large for graphics device. Fitting to max size available.

When I zoom or pan on the figure, some other warning messages:
> In zoom>local2DButtonUpFcn at 1314
In hgfeval at 63
In uitools.uimode.modeWindowButtonUpFcn at 27
In uitools.uimode.setCallbackFcn>localModeWindowButtonUpFcn at 38

And when I am zooming I found that in fact the colors look strange...

Any idea of how to fix that?
Thank you in advance for your help...

From: ImageAnalyst on
Why not just do something like

imageArray(isnan(imageArray)) = 0;
imshow(imageArray, []);

If it's still upside down, use flipud() to flip it.