From: Albert Ross on
On Sun, 07 Mar 2010 15:27:13 -0500, "Jonathan N. Little"
<lws4art(a)> wrote:

>Albert Ross wrote:
>> it still uses tables for the thumbs, not that much of a problem IMO
>> for what is tabular information
>You can edit the thumbnail.html template to use what every you want. I
>put each thumbnail in a floated DIV. Worked just fine. Linking the
>stylesheet greatly increases flexibility and reduces the template code.

Yes that's pretty much what I'm working on. As I've discovered trying
to emulate a table layout in a box model and styling the items
individually then trying to work the cascade back into the stylesheet
and remove the styling from the page code is NOT a good plan. Starting
entirely from scratch with my CSS head on would probably work better.
Reinventing the wheel when someone's done the bulk of the work
already, grabbing a suitable template and tweaking it and feeding it
back into the program would be ideal.

>> BUT can you guys suggest a template that works in a similar way (light
>> and fast and proper html/CSS) that would be a better thing to spend my
>> time and energy on adapting?
>> I can still use Irfanview to generate the thumbs and manually insert
>> them into the code. I might even be able to insert the code into
>> Irfanview and persuade it to generate a better site automagically.
>> (Sorry about the file sizes, this is also a test for some
>> photographers to look at)
>I would suggest using the batch feature to rescale all your full size
>images to a more consistent and rational size for the web, then from
>those images make your webpages.

Oh yes, for a proper website I'd crush them severely enough to make
them not worth copying but not so much they are unviewable.
From: Albert Ross on
On Sun, 7 Mar 2010 17:24:05 -0500, Stan Brown
<the_stan_brown(a)> wrote:

>Sun, 07 Mar 2010 15:27:13 -0500 from Jonathan N. Little
>> I would suggest using the batch feature to rescale all your full size
>> images to a more consistent and rational size for the web, then from
>> those images make your webpages.
>The problem with such a mechanical approach is that pure resizing can
>make dreadful thumbnails. What is often needed is cropping followed
>by resizing.

Yes that's relatively easy, when I've got a suitable layout together I
can easily go from the original TIFFs (for slide scans) or RAWs from
the digital camera and *resample* to a suitable size and compression
of .jpg twice, once for the web photo, once more for the thumb.

The photos can end up any format after they've been cropped but it
should be relatively easy to generate consistent format thumbs.
From: Albert Ross on
On 7 Mar 2010 20:34:00 GMT, "Chris F.A. Johnson"
<cfajohnson(a)> wrote:

>On 2010-03-07, Albert Ross wrote:
>> it still uses tables for the thumbs, not that much of a problem IMO
>> for what is tabular information
>> BUT can you guys suggest a template that works in a similar way (light
>> and fast and proper html/CSS) that would be a better thing to spend my
>> time and energy on adapting?
> I wrote my own system using a couple of shell scripts and
> ImageMagick to make the thumbs:

OK, I'll take a look and have a tweak. Thanks!

It's scary how good digital kit has become, IMO my Canon 5D Mk 2 just
about beats my colleague's various Nikons - but a friend travels the
world with a tiny Panasonic that fits in his pocket and on the web you
can't see much difference in quality (A2 prints are a different matter
From: Albert Ross on
On Sun, 07 Mar 2010 15:27:13 -0500, "Jonathan N. Little"
<lws4art(a)> wrote:

>Albert Ross wrote:
>> it still uses tables for the thumbs, not that much of a problem IMO
>> for what is tabular information
>You can edit the thumbnail.html template to use what every you want. I
>put each thumbnail in a floated DIV. Worked just fine. Linking the
>stylesheet greatly increases flexibility and reduces the template code.

Gold dust!

The photographers elsewhere recommended some softwares but here's the
output from one

which makes me ask "Why a duck?" er I mean "Why a script?"

Then I refound what I was looking for in my archive of this group, I
knew it was somewhere

Got some things to play with there

Dorayme's comes closest, easy enough to add another line to the code
when I add another photo and thumb to the directories

Thanks! Be back later