From: Geoffrey Clements on
Folderol wrote:

> On Sat, 29 Nov 2008 11:44:44 -0000
> Justin C <justin.0811(a)> wrote:
>> In article <ggr7p9$2usb$1(a)>, Gordon Henderson wrote:
>> [snip]
>> > So a bit of software basically "works" and therefore doesn't need
>> > devleopment, so because it's not under development anymore, it's
>> > dropped.
>> >
>> > Personally I think that's bonkers, but there you go, what do I know.
>> > I'm just a user...
>> [snip]
>> I agree, I *like* xmms, and I've never had any problem with it.
>> There's no reason you couldn't get the version from a previous Debian
>> release and install it - it shouldn't have any dependency issues because
>> all of your version numbers will (likely) be higher than it requires.
>> It does mean, however, that you keep a copy of the .deb lying around for
>> future re-installs.
>> I have, however, switched to using mpd - not sure if xmms can control
>> mpd, never investigated, it does what I want through a web-browser.
>> Justin.
> I haven't found anything that works as well as xmms or is as easy to
> use, so I just downloaded the source and compiled it - not too
> difficult.

I remember xmms being removed from Gentoo some time ago. As I remember the
discussions at the time it was because xmms uses gtk+ version 1 which is
itself no longer maintained and hence gets no security updates other than
those which the distributions do for themselves. I think the number of apps
depending on gtk+1 was being reduced to a low enough number for it to be
ditched from Gentoo completely, however, as I write this I notice
gtk+-1.2.10-r12 is still in portage.

Personally I find Amarok a great app but is probably OTT for the OP.

Geoff Registered Linux user 196308
Replace bitbucket with geoff to mail me.
From: Ian on
On 29 Nov, 02:11, Gordon Henderson <gordon+use...(a)> wrote:
> I recently decided to upgrade my desktop PC from Etch to Lenny and seem
> to have lost Xmms... There is now an Xmms2 but it seems to be 100's of
> plugins and is very confusing and xmms2 itself seems to be command-line -

As has been pointed out - but I'll throw in my 2p anyway - the old,
nice, simple, just-works xmms has been replaced by the god-awful
complicated, convoluted client-server xmms2. This is one of the less
appreciated risks of free software - when development is driven by
programmers and not customers, feature-creep is a lurking danger.

OK, so they wanted to write something r-e-a-l-l-y complicated for
fun, but it's a great shame they didn't leave the nice old one around
too. Still, I suppose someone could continue to package and distribute
it for free-as-in-beer-and-speech.


From: Nix on
On 29 Nov 2008, Sheridan Hutchinson said:
> I would hazard to bet that 97% of existing XMMS users would be as
> satisfied, or happier, with a switch to Audacious.

Isn't Audacious maintenance-dead?

`Not even vi uses vi key bindings for its command line.' --- PdS
From: Nix on
On 29 Nov 2008, Justin C. verbalised:
> I have, however, switched to using mpd - not sure if xmms can control
> mpd, never investigated, it does what I want through a web-browser.

I don't think anyone wrote an MPD frontend that plugged into XMMS: MPD
didn't really get momentum until after XMMS development had stalled.

(Myself I use EMMS with the MPD backend. What do you mean a music player
is a stupid thing to embed inside a text editor?)
From: Sheridan Hutchinson on
Nix wrote:
> Isn't Audacious maintenance-dead?

Hi Nix,

I have no idea about this although I'm sure a google would easily answer
this question.

All I can really explain is why XMMS was pulled from Debian and the
alternative the XMMS developers recommended at the time.

Sheridan Hutchinson