From: Mike Williams on
"MM" <kylix_is(a)> wrote in message

> No, the comparisons are very similar. Here are my final results,
> done just now with the COMPILED app (compiled to native
> code, optimise for fast code, advanced optimisations all unchecked):

Those timings simply do not represent the speed of the different "endian
swap" methods, for two main reasons. The first reason is that you are timing
the code using a method that has a best resolution of one second for the
overall result and the second reason, which is by far the most important
reason, is that you are totally swamping the very small time of the "endian
swap" code itself with the very large time required to get the data from the
TextBox's Text property and convert it from a string into a Long. It's a bit
like comparing the weight of two peas by placing each of them into a
builder's skip and weighing the skips. It is also, incidentally, the reason
why your code returns similar results in the IDE as it does in a native code
compiled exe, because as well as the "n = "&H" & Text1" line taking a very
long time to execute it is also an example of a "bottom heavy" statement
(the opposite of the "top heavy" stuff I was talking about earlier). In such
"bottom heavy" statements the time of execution of the compiled version is
very large compared to the "pcode" overhead of the statement itself, and
such statements run at similar speeds in the IDE (or as a pcode compiled
exe) as they do in a native code compiled exe. In order to get the true
timing of the things you are testing (the actual different methods of
performing an edian swap) you need to get that "n = "&H" & Text1" out of the
loop which is being timed. When you do that you will find that it all runs
orders of magnitude faster and so you will then also need to use a timing
method with a much higher resolution.


From: MM on
On Sun, 14 Mar 2010 11:02:05 -0000, "Mike Williams"
<Mike(a)> wrote:

>"MM" <kylix_is(a)> wrote in message
>> No, the comparisons are very similar. Here are my final results,
>> done just now with the COMPILED app (compiled to native
>> code, optimise for fast code, advanced optimisations all unchecked):
>Those timings simply do not represent the speed of the different "endian
>swap" methods, for two main reasons. The first reason is that you are timing
>the code using a method that has a best resolution of one second for the
>overall result and the second reason, which is by far the most important
>reason, is that you are totally swamping the very small time of the "endian
>swap" code itself with the very large time required to get the data from the
>TextBox's Text property and convert it from a string into a Long. It's a bit
>like comparing the weight of two peas by placing each of them into a
>builder's skip and weighing the skips. It is also, incidentally, the reason
>why your code returns similar results in the IDE as it does in a native code
>compiled exe, because as well as the "n = "&H" & Text1" line taking a very
>long time to execute it is also an example of a "bottom heavy" statement
>(the opposite of the "top heavy" stuff I was talking about earlier). In such
>"bottom heavy" statements the time of execution of the compiled version is
>very large compared to the "pcode" overhead of the statement itself, and
>such statements run at similar speeds in the IDE (or as a pcode compiled
>exe) as they do in a native code compiled exe. In order to get the true
>timing of the things you are testing (the actual different methods of
>performing an edian swap) you need to get that "n = "&H" & Text1" out of the
>loop which is being timed. When you do that you will find that it all runs
>orders of magnitude faster and so you will then also need to use a timing
>method with a much higher resolution.

I've just repositioned n = "&H" & txtNumber outside the loop. Timings

1. CopyMem 13 13 13
2. Shifts 10 10 11
3. SwapEndian08 10 10 11
4. Bendian 11 10 10
5. String 16 15 16

The previous timings (with n = "&H" & txtNumber inside the loop):

1. CopyMem 19 19 19
2. Shifts 17 16 17
3. SwapEndian08 17 17 17
4. Bendian 18 17 17
5. String 22 22 22

Presumably the overhead for calling the function is the same in each
case, since VB will be passing a pointer. Same with the return value
being allocated to txtResult.

So I do not understand where you're coming from when you state that
"it all runs orders of magnitude faster", since the comparisons are
very similar, i.e. Shifts, Swaps, and Bendians were all practically
identical before (17), and they still are (10), after repositioning
the n = "&H"... bit.

From: Jim Mack on
MM wrote:
> So I do not understand where you're coming from when you state that
> "it all runs orders of magnitude faster", since the comparisons are
> very similar, i.e. Shifts, Swaps, and Bendians were all practically
> identical before (17), and they still are (10), after repositioning
> the n = "&H"... bit.

If that's the way you'll actually use the function in code, then the
comparison is valid for your purpose. It points up what smart
programmers have said forever: optimize only in conjunction with a
profiler. Fine tuning something that sits in the middle of a slow or
rarely-used function is wasted effort.

But in 'shootouts' of fastest code (like the vbspeed challenges), what
matters is how the core function operates. You strip it down to the
minimum, even subtract loop overhead, etc. It's still up to the end
programmer to use the fastest code in a sensible way.

So what you're doing with these various bits isn't testing how fast
each one is, you're testing how it affects some larger bit of code. As
Mike said, it's a bit like weighing pebbles by placing them on a brick
resting on your scale. Pretty much, all pebbles are going to look the
same then. Not a bad thing, just different from what we were doing.

Jim Mack
Twisted tees at
"We sew confusion"

From: Jim Mack on
Mike Williams wrote:
> Do you mind if I hang on to your DLL to use
> myself if I should ever find the need to perform such "endian"
> swaps at a rapid rate?

Not at all -- use away. I'll correct the "As Long" in the text.

From: Nobody on
"MM" <kylix_is(a)> wrote in message
> In each case I entered the string 4B3B2B1B into txtNumber. The same
> calling routine was used in all cases:
> Dim start As Date
> Dim n As Long
> Dim count As Long
> start = Now
> For count = 1 To 1000000
> n = "&H" & txtNumber
> txtResult = Hex$(Endian32_UsingCopyMem(n)) ' This line changes
> as per method used - see below
> Next
> MsgBox "CopyMem: " & DateDiff("s", start, Now)
> 1. txtResult = Hex$(Endian32_UsingCopyMem(n))
> 2. txtResult = Hex$(Endian32_UsingShift(n))
> 3. txtResult = Hex$(SwapEndian08(n))
> 4. txtResult = Hex$(Endian32_UsingBendian(n))
> 5. txtResult = Hex$(Endian32_UsingString(n))

Besides what Mike suggested, you need to move txtResult = Hex$() outside the
loop because you are also measuring the conversion to a Hex string in the
loop. Try saving the result into a Long variable, then convert the string
after the MsgBox.

Also, use Timer function because it has a resolution of about 10 to 20 ms,
so timing code would be:

Dim start As Single
start = Timer
' Loop here
MsgBox "Time taken: " & Timer - start

To see Timer resolution, use this tool:


Or you can use this VB code:

Option Explicit

Private Declare Function GetSystemTimeAdjustment Lib "kernel32" ( _
lpTimeAdjustment As Long, lpTimeIncrement As Long, _
lpTimeAdjustmentDisabled As Long) As Long

Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim lTimeAdjustment As Long
Dim lTimeIncrement As Long
Dim lTimeAdjustmentDisabled As Long

GetSystemTimeAdjustment lTimeAdjustment, lTimeIncrement, _

' Convert to milliseconds
Debug.Print lpTimeIncrement / 10000
End Sub

New computers and OS'es usually have the clock set to 15.625 ms, or 0.015625
Seconds. This translates to 64 times/Second precisely, or 64 Hz.

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