From: Siegfried Heintze on
I see visual studio creates some settings files where it stores the
connection strings for my LINQ console mode porgram.

Who reads settings.settings?

I would like to have a single source code file that is completely self
contained (except maybe for the xml in the settings.settings file). I know
the DataContext needs that connection string.

I want to take the multiple demo programs I have created in seperate
directories using Visual Studio and convert them to be single (almost) self
contained cs files so I can store them easily in one directory without the
need for sub-directories. In otherwords, how do I eliminate the
properties/Settings.Designer.cs, propertiesAssemblyInfo.cs,
LINQNorthwindDemo.designer.cs files so I just have one C# source code file
for each project that has a LINQ Datacontext object that reads the
settings.settings file?
