From: mgf on
I think that this new policies, drm, and authorisations Microsoft introduced
for even the most trivial tasks, e.g.: language install are doing much harm.

Incidentally: It is not clear what kind of configuration you have. e.g.: was
it upgraded from XP? was it an OEM install on a laptop?

I have a similar problem, which this far Microsoft technical help service
was not able to solve.

Symptoms: Whenever language pack update install is attempted, it always
fails, either with code 2 or 1.
It fails also if language pack is executed directly, with administrative
privileges, or attempted from language cab itself via install language

Scenario: Machine: Toshiba A100/750 OEM native Vista Home Premium, localised
in Italian by Toshiba, upgraded to Vista Ultimate, bought directly from
Windows ultimate shows as available English Pack (nb: Italian is not
available as additional language pack, pre-installed Italian shows up as MUI).

Log of language install utility, invoked by hand is as follows:
10:03:29:885 : DEBUG: _wsetlocale returns: Italian_Italy.1252
10:03:30:004 : DEBUG: Cleaning working path in a new thread
10:03:30:108 : DEBUG: Failed to remove directory C:\Windows\TEMP\lpksetup
with error 3
10:03:31:724 : License "Kernel-MUI-Number-Allowed" queried, value: "1000"
10:03:32:014 : PERF: RestorePointEnd - ENTER
10:03:32:142 : PERF: RestorePointEnd - LEAVE
10:03:32:228 : DEBUG: Cleaning working path in a new process

It seems to me that Kernel is reporting an error, probably due to a
licensing _BUG_, and that install is being rolled back.: visual inspection of
Windows directory during install shows that English is being installed, then

I bought the ultimate upgrade for 2 reasons:
1) being able to join a corporate network domain
2) being able to switch language.

I am not getting dreamscene, but that is not the point
From: shaga on
Hi dominik,

I'm interested on how u could install english language pack on ur german
vista. Coz i have a problem. I got spanish vista and trying to install
english language pack and it gives me same error as u had. error code >
WindowsUpdate_00000001 WindowsUpdate_dt000

Do u have solution? Please advise.

"Dominik" wrote:

> Hi,
> I bought Windows Vista x86 German and installed the English Language Pack to
> download the DreamScene from Windows Updates.
> Installed and everything works well.
> But now I want to swich back to the German version.
> But in "Control Panel\Clock, Language, and Region" under Keyboards and
> Languages I cannot change to German. Since I installed the english version
> and swiched to German using the "Display Language" in the "Regional and
> Language Options" option.
> So Windows wanted to restart and I did it. But now Windows is still in
> english.
> The Keyboard has changed to DE for German. That´s Okay. But now I cannot
> change the value in Display Language. Not there´s nothing to change.
> So I thought I have to install the German Lang. Pack from Windows Updates,
> but when I install it Windows Update calls the error code
> WindowsUpdate_00000001 WindowsUpdate_dt000.
> Please help meso I can use my german version again.