From: emmim44 on
Hi ..
My code doesnt what it suppose to needs copy files and folder into
destination but apparently it doenst..what is wrong ?
It is working when I use dos command but not with Cf..I already map it...Thank
u genius..

<cfdirectory action="list" directory="d:/cfusionmx/wwwroot" name="image">

<cfloop query="image">

<cfif type eq "File">
<cfset ds="I:\Denemeler\">
<cfset sr="D:\cfusionmx\wwwroot\#name#">
<cfset ds="I:\Denemeler\#name#\">
<cfset sr="D:\cfusionmx\wwwroot\#name#\">

name = "xcopy"
arguments = "#sr# #ds# /e /y /q" variable="myExecute"
timeout = "120"/>


From: jdeline on
Are you missing a backslash on <cfset sr="D:\cfusionmx\wwwroot\#name#"> ? Your
other CFSETs have them. Should it be <cfset
sr="D:\cfusionmx\wwwroot\#name#[b]/[/b]"> ? Other than that, you might put
your xcopy into a .bat file and execute that.

From: Ian Skinner on
Does the user that the ColdFusion Service runs under ('LocalSystem' by
default) have all the required read/write/execute permissions to all the
necessary resources.

When you run it from the command line, your permissions are used, when
CF runs it, CF needs corresponding permissions.
From: emmim44 on
I believe that it is not a slash issue..The CF service runs under this user: CFSVC
From: emmim44 on
How will i check that dude ?