From: Patridge on
I am trying to find a way to add a sub-application to an existing site via
appcmd command line.

I have tried to derive the syntax from various examples of modifying and
adding site bindings but the XML I need to generate doesn't quite fit with
those examples. I would like to result in the addition of the the following
XML to applicationHost.config under an existing site ("SomeSite" in the
example calls): "<application path="/subdir"><virtualDirectory path="/"
physicalPath="{locationOfSubSite}\subdir" /></application>".

I have tried a number of variations on both "set config" and "add vdir" but
I cannot quite nail it down.

C:\>%windir%\System32\inetsrv\appcmd.exe set config "SomeSite"
/+"[name='SomeSite'].[path='/subapp'].[path='/',physicalPath='D:\inetpub\wwwroot\SomeSite\SubApplication']" /commitPath:apphost
==> "ERROR ( message:Cannot find requested collection element. )"

C:\>%windir%\System32\inetsrv\appcmd.exe add vdir /"SomeSite"
/path:"/subapp" /physicalPath:"D:\inetpub\wwwroot\SomeSite\SubApplication"
==> Creates a virtual directory on top of the sub-application directory in IIS

C:\>%windir%\System32\inetsrv\appcmd.exe add vdir
/"SomeSite/subapp" /path:"/"
/physicalPath:"D:\inetpub\wwwroot\SomeSite\SubApplication" /commitPath:apphost
==> "ERROR ( message:Must use exact identifier for VDIR object with verb
ADD. )"

If I could find a reference to the config syntax of brackets and periods,
especially regarding when to use a section name and when to use the attribute
breakdown, I would probably be able to work this out. Not finding such a
resource, though, I would appreciate any help I can get.

[Reposted for post-MSDN-account-linky goodness. Sorry for the duplicate.]
From: "WenJun Zhang[msft]" on

To create web applications in IIS7, you should use: appcmd add app command.
The detailed description and sample can be found in below link:

Create a Web Application (IIS 7)



WenJun Zhang

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From: Patridge on
This worked great. I just had to find the right syntax for this exact
operation and your link sent me to the right place.

%windir%\system32\inetsrv\appcmd add app / /path:/subapp

Thanks again.

Is there anywhere to go to get a better overview of the dots and brackets
syntax used in most of the "set config" calls (e.g., "/+[name='something']")?

""WenJun Zhang[msft]"" wrote:

> Hi,
> To create web applications in IIS7, you should use: appcmd add app command.
> The detailed description and sample can be found in below link:
> Create a Web Application (IIS 7)
> Thanks.
> Sincerely,
> WenJun Zhang
> Microsoft Online Community Support