From: Jonathan Bromley on
On Tue, 19 Jan 2010 22:02:56 +0100, whygee <yg(a)yg.yg> wrote:

>Jonathan Bromley wrote:
>> One day, when there's less work to do, I intend to add a
>> few more file formats to its capabilities - but for now it
>> only knows how to mimic Verilog $readmemb/h.
>It seems to be enough for simple stuff so I could use it.

Nice of you to say so - it kept the Verilog community happy
for nearly two decades, so perhaps it ain't so bad :-)

>It is licenced under Apache2.0, is it compatible with
>other Free Software licences ? (and which ?)

The point of the Apache licence, as I understand it, is
to say "do what the blazes you like with this, but don't
blame me if it doesn't do what you want". Unlike GPL
it permits you to include the code in closed-source
commercial products if you so choose (I think) but
does not allow you to claim it as your own, or to
restrict its use by others.

Legal experts may dispute this. If so, perhaps they
could be kind enough to tell me what I should do to
get the effect I describe in the previous paragraph.
I really, really don't want to be sued because there's
a bug in a piece of code I posted via Usenet; but if
I give away some code, I really want to give it away -
no strings [*] attached. Not even the manic-obsessive
doctrinaire-libertarian strings that are attached
by GPL.

[*] Puppet-style strings, that is. Arrays of ASCII
characters are OK :-)
Jonathan Bromley