From: gripper111 on
I have about 100 websites. Each website has a couple mysql DB with a few
tables in each. Each website pretty much is the same layout just with
different content. In some of the tables there are various configuration
data points for which some PHP scrips run against.

What I want to do is design a MS Access 2007 data base where if I update a
particular piece (s) of data the system will then at a pre determined time
log into the appropriate remote mysql table and update, then close the
connection and move to the next item in line and do the same process until
all the tables are updated. I am tired of updating each site individually
with info and would like to find a solution to manage these sites remotely.

I am in the process of putting this together but before I get to far into
this I wanted to see if this is practical and what the pitfalls are. And
perhaps see if there is a solution on the market already or perhaps modules
or scripts that will get me quickly to the end point.

Here is an example. Lets say I run a query in my access database that has
particular "yes/no" as a data point. Lets say 20% of the sites are set to NO
which I find with a query. I then update them to YES. I then want the
system to automatically add these items to a queue and then at a pre
determined time (middle of the night) log in to the appropriate remote table
and update that data point to YES then verify it has been done correctly,
then close and then move on until all is done. More advance would be if
multiple changes need to be done that when the system logs into the remote
mysql table it will make the change then look at the queue to see what other
changes need to be done on that table and complete these as well before
closing and moving on.

I hope this helped

