From: Pete Delgado on

"Ashish" <akohli_2004(a)> wrote in message
> Below code is not working on windows7 client machine.TOKEN_ELEVATION_TYPE
> is not recognize.
> My problem is when i use CreateFile to open disk/drive then it's fail
> while login user is member of Administrator.

Are you opening a raw device or simply attempting to open a file at the root
level of a drive? Has the process or thread been elevated in some manner?


From: Pete Delgado on

"Pete Delgado" <Peter.Delgado(a)> wrote in message
>> It would be a very flawed security and access control system if it
>> allowed a process to elevate itself to admin above the user's
>> privilege.
> ..and yet impersonation does just that. It allows a thread within a
> process started under an account with the SeImpersonatePrivilege right to
> assume the security context of any another principal provided that the
> process was launched with an unfiltered token or that COM elevation has
> been used.

Just wanted to clarify that the impersonation mechanism does not enable a
process to bypass the security mechanisms of the operating system. There are
specific conditions that must be met in order to allow a thread to
impersonate the security context of another principal. These prerequisites
are described in the platform SDK. I noticed that my language in my previous
post implies that an arbitrary process may impersonate the security context
of any other thread with no preconditions and that is not true.
