From: Sylvia on

I want to resize an image from 3D smaller dimension to larger dimension.
i.e for example from 40x40x30 to 40x120x90. The normal matlab function just
resizes image in 2D.

From: Jerry Avins on
Sylvia wrote:
> Hello,
> I want to resize an image from 3D smaller dimension to larger dimension.
> i.e for example from 40x40x30 to 40x120x90. The normal matlab function just
> resizes image in 2D.

You'll probably need to write the function yourself. What kind of
interpolation do you plan to use?

If you really mean 40x[something] to 40x[something else], that's a 2D
resizing on each of 40 planes.

Engineering is the art of making what you want from things you can get.
From: Sylvia on
If I want to resize image from dimensions Nx x Ny x Nz to Na x Nb x Nc
where Nx, Ny and Nz are all different from Na, Nb and Nc respectively, now
if for each Nz index plane, i can resize Nx x Ny to Na x Nb dimension,
after this step I get dimensions Na x Nb x Nz, after that for each Na
plane, I resize Nb x Nz to Nb x Nc. In the end I will have the resized
image Na x Nb x Nc. My question is: is this two step approach correct? any
other alternative?


>Sylvia wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I want to resize an image from 3D smaller dimension to larger
>> i.e for example from 40x40x30 to 40x120x90. The normal matlab function
>> resizes image in 2D.
>You'll probably need to write the function yourself. What kind of
>interpolation do you plan to use?
>If you really mean 40x[something] to 40x[something else], that's a 2D
>resizing on each of 40 planes.
>Engineering is the art of making what you want from things you can get.
From: Jerry Avins on
Sylvia wrote:
> If I want to resize image from dimensions Nx x Ny x Nz to Na x Nb x Nc
> where Nx, Ny and Nz are all different from Na, Nb and Nc respectively, now
> if for each Nz index plane, i can resize Nx x Ny to Na x Nb dimension,
> after this step I get dimensions Na x Nb x Nz, after that for each Na
> plane, I resize Nb x Nz to Nb x Nc. In the end I will have the resized
> image Na x Nb x Nc. My question is: is this two step approach correct? any
> other alternative?

When the details are exposed, probably not, but a nice library routine
could hide them. I haven't convinced myself that the final result isn't
dependent on the order of transformations.

Engineering is the art of making what you want from things you can get.
From: Michael Plante on
>I want to resize an image from 3D smaller dimension to larger dimension.
>i.e for example from 40x40x30 to 40x120x90. The normal matlab function
>resizes image in 2D.

I'm not sure if it'll temporarily go float, but you might look at