From: Over on
Does anybody tell me how to play a text with Loquendo TTS in C# (VS2005
Express) ?

thanks in advance.

From: Over on
Hi Michael,

I'd like to play a written text, but I don't know the right parameters for
the "speak" method.

I'm completely new to C# but I played a lot (in the past) with Delphi (for
hobby); nowadays I decided to forget Delphi for C#.
What I 'd like to do is to say with the speaker (digit by digit) a code
number that I compose with my keyboard, and finally play the string so

Could you supply me some infos about method and properties of the Loquendo
TTS engine, or simply
drop me a line of code to play text when I click on a button ?


> What's the problem?! They provide c++ api, which can be used via P/Invoke
> O> Does anybody tell me how to play a text with Loquendo TTS in C#
> O> (VS2005 Express) ?