From: Olivier Scalbert on
Maxim Yegorushkin wrote:

> You can simplify this in many interesting ways using GNU Make. (I see no
> reason to use any other make).
> Something along these lines:
> # override with `make BUILD=release`
> # default to debug build
> BUILD := debug
> SRC_DIR = :src
> # using make's computed variables to select object and bin folders
> # depending on the build type
> OBJ_DIR.debug := objdbg
> OBJ_DIR.release : objrel
> BIN_DIR.debug := bindbg
> BIN_DIR.release := binrel
> # same for flags
> FLAGS.debug = -g -Wall -pedantic
> FLAGS.release = -g -O3 -Wall -pedantic # can have debuginfo with -O
> all: $(BIN_DIR)/prog
> # how to build any .o from the
> # the | order-only dependency is to create OBJ_DIR on demand
> $(OBJ_DIR)/%.o: $(SRC_DIR)/ | $(OBJ_DIR)
> g++ -c $(FLAGS) $< -o $@
> # the | order-only dependency is to create BIN_DIR on demand
> $(BIN_DIR)/prog: $(OBJ_DIR)/engine.o $(OBJ_DIR)/main.o | $(BIN_DIR)
> g++ $^ -o $@
> # how to create folders on demand
> $(OBJ_DIR) $(BIN_DIR):
> mkdir $@
> clean :
> rm -rf $(OBJ_DIR) $(BIN_DIR)
> .PHONY: clean
> This makefile builds or cleans only one type of the build depending on
> the invocation. To clean and build a debug build invoke make as:
> make clean
> make
> To clean and build a release build invoke as:
> make BUILD=release clean
> make BUILD=release

Thanks Maxim !