From: Steven Lord on

"dingz" <alexandertang357(a)> wrote in message
> Hello, I'm new on this forum. I've got a question regarding matlab, i'm
> stuck with this little problem for hours and i can't seem to figure out
> how to fix it. Here's my following code of importance:
> function y = opdracht3(n)
> i = 0;
> h = 0;
> f = 0;
> while i <= n
> z = inline('exp(x).*(x.^i)');

Don't use an inline object here. Use an anonymous function.

z = @(x) exp(x).*(x.^i);

When you write an inline object like you did, MATLAB does NOT take the value
you've assigned to i into account when it evaluates the function -- it
treats it as sqrt(-1) [and this is consistent with the documentation.]


Steve Lord
comp.soft-sys.matlab (CSSM) FAQ:

From: Steven Lord on

"dingz" <alexandertang357(a)> wrote in message
>i tried that, but apparently my version of matlab doesnt support it. And
>its a school assignment, the pc's are pretty old, so im not sure if the
>school's version has it neither. my matlab version is 6.5 btw. Anyway,
>thanks for the reply :p any other suggestion?

Yes, anonymous functions were introduced in MATLAB 7.0 (R14) and so can't be
used in version 6.5.

Take a look at the following document on our support website:

In the help for QUADL, you'll see a syntax that accepts parameters P1, P2,
etc. Those parameters are passed into your integrand function as additional
inputs. Using this, you can either write a 2-line function that accepts x
and i or write a two-input inline function and use QUADL with your i as the
P1 parameter.

Steve Lord
comp.soft-sys.matlab (CSSM) FAQ: