From: Brian Candler on
Jesús Gabriel y Galán wrote:
> Check your Trash folder, maybe Gmail is sending
> Brian's emails there.

That's OK, my mails are usually trash anyway :-)

There have been occasional gatewaying problems between ruby-talk and
ruby-forum, but not this time.

A good way to check is to look at the ruby-talk mailing list archives,
linked from
Posted via

From: Josh Cheek on
[Note: parts of this message were removed to make it a legal post.]

On Wed, Jun 30, 2010 at 8:55 AM, Brian Candler <b.candler(a)> wrote:

> Josh Cheek wrote:
> > Note: can anyone explain to me what unary * is?
> It's just the "splat". AFAIK it's not really an operator and is not
> mapped to a method call; it's part of the language syntax.
> --
> Posted via
I am still unsure what it is, I think that when it is parsed, it just
invokes the to_a method, and then does some interpreter level magic to line
up the args and the params.

Anyway, it definitely invokes to_a (I expect this is similar to how the
ampersand invokes to_proc)

def y(x)
def x.to_a() [12] end
yield *x
y(/1,2,3/) { |param| param } # => 12