From: on
Can someone post a url or complete list of info items available (from
VB script) for objWMIService.ExecQuery ("Select * from Win32_PrintJob")

I'm trying to determine the time a job BEGAN <i>printing</i> .. not
what time it was submitted. I have a script that raises an alert
when a job hasn't printed for 15 minutes since the Submit time but
if there are Several pending jobs I don't want them to alert ... only
if they are the currently printing (or stuck) job.

Looking for something like "objPrinter.TimeStarted" to compare against
(as opposed to "TimeSubmitted") ...

Here is the code snippet I'm working from:

'Identifies any print jobs that have been in the print queue for more
than 15 minutes.

Set DateTime = CreateObject("WbemScripting.SWbemDateTime")
strComputer = "."
Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:" _
& "{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & strComputer &
Set colInstalledPrinters = objWMIService.ExecQuery _
("Select * from Win32_PrintJob")
Wscript.Echo "Print Queue, Job ID, TimeSubmitted, Total Pages"
For Each objPrinter in colInstalledPrinters
DateTime.Value = objPrinter.Submitted
dtmActualTime = DateTime.GetVarDate(USE_LOCAL_TIME)
TimeinQueue = DateDiff("n", dtmActualTime, Now)
If TimeinQueue > 15 Then
strPrinterName = Split(objPrinter.Name,",",-1,1)
Wscript.Echo strPrinterName(0) & ", " _
& objPrinter.JobID & ", " & dtmActualTime & ", " & _
End If




From: Norm Cook on
Perhaps you want StartTime

<hellpenny(a)> wrote in message
> Can someone post a url or complete list of info items available (from
> VB script) for objWMIService.ExecQuery ("Select * from Win32_PrintJob")
> ?
> I'm trying to determine the time a job BEGAN <i>printing</i> .. not
> what time it was submitted. I have a script that raises an alert
> when a job hasn't printed for 15 minutes since the Submit time but
> if there are Several pending jobs I don't want them to alert ... only
> if they are the currently printing (or stuck) job.
> Looking for something like "objPrinter.TimeStarted" to compare against
> (as opposed to "TimeSubmitted") ...
> Here is the code snippet I'm working from:
> '----------
> 'Identifies any print jobs that have been in the print queue for more
> than 15 minutes.
> Const USE_LOCAL_TIME = True
> Set DateTime = CreateObject("WbemScripting.SWbemDateTime")
> strComputer = "."
> Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:" _
> & "{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & strComputer &
> "\root\cimv2")
> Set colInstalledPrinters = objWMIService.ExecQuery _
> ("Select * from Win32_PrintJob")
> Wscript.Echo "Print Queue, Job ID, TimeSubmitted, Total Pages"
> For Each objPrinter in colInstalledPrinters
> DateTime.Value = objPrinter.Submitted
> dtmActualTime = DateTime.GetVarDate(USE_LOCAL_TIME)
> TimeinQueue = DateDiff("n", dtmActualTime, Now)
> If TimeinQueue > 15 Then
> strPrinterName = Split(objPrinter.Name,",",-1,1)
> Wscript.Echo strPrinterName(0) & ", " _
> & objPrinter.JobID & ", " & dtmActualTime & ", " & _
> objPrinter.TotalPages
> End If
> Next
> '---------
> Regards,
> -demijohn

From: on
StartTime - Date and time that the job begins.

What I want is a date stamp telling me when a currently printing job
*began printing* not when it _will begin_ ...

Plus, I believe StartTime is associated with the Queue object, not the

Anyway, I get a 'type mismatch' when I try using it in place of
TimeSubmitted as in:

DateTime.Value = objPrinter.TimeSubmitted

replaced by

DateTime.Value = objPrinter.StartTime

From: on

Reviewed the documentation link you sited .. doesn't look like there
is a field
defined for what I want. Thanks for trying.

Here is the scenario I'm trying to avoid (maybe I can find some other
way around it):

1. a job is hanging in the queue for, say, an hour or more
2. several jobs, say 30, pile up behind
3. an alert is sent for the first job (since current time minus time
submitted > 15 minutes)
4. after the initial problem job (Job A) is resolved, the next pending
job (Job B) begins printing ... next time the monitor script runs,
assuming Job B hasn't completed it could trigger a false alarm (since
time submitted is being subtracted from current time rather than the
Job B's **actual** begin time being subtracted from current time) ...

In theory this could cause all subsequent jobs to alarm as each one
prints (it's unlikely unless these are Huge jobs or my monitor loop
"sleep time" is very small) but I'd like
each job to be considered on its own merits without the previous Job's
delay factored in.