From: Cameron Simpson on
I've run into a problem unittesting something I'm writing.

I have a little node tracking class I'm using to track items and
attributes. An item is a "Node" object, and the collection is a

So I'm writing some unittests, thus:

class Node(dict): [...]
class NodeDB(dic): [...]
class Backend(object):
def serialise(self, value):
''' Convert a value for external string storage.
if isinstance(value, Node): [...]
return ":%s:%s" % (value.type,
t = type(value)
assert t in (str,int), repr(t)+" "+repr(value)+" "+repr(Node)

class TestAll(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
from cs.nodedb.sqla import Backend_SQLAlchemy
def test01serialise(self):
H = self.db.newNode('HOST', 'foo')
for value in 1, 'str1', ':str2', '::', H:
s = self.backend.serialise(value)
assert type(s) is str
self.assert_(value == self.backend.deserialise(s))

if __name__ == '__main__':
import sqlalchemy
print 'SQLAlchemy version =', sqlalchemy.__version__

and it's failing. I've traced the failure cause, ending up with this
assertion message from the end of serialise() above:

AssertionError: <class '__main__.Node'> HOST:foo:{} <class 'cs.nodedb.node.Node'>

Experienced users will see at once what's happened: I've made a Node
myself in the test using the local class, and the Node class is thus
__main__.Node. However, my sql Backend class has independently imported
the "Node" and "Backend" classes from "cs.nodedb.node". So when _it_
calls serialise(), "Node" is "cs.nodedb.node.Node".

And lo, the:

if isinstance(value, Node):

test at the top of serialise() fails.

What's a sensible way of doing this correctly?

I _don't_ want to duck-type the Node and merely test for "type" and "name"
values, because I want to be rather picky about what gets into the backend
database - the wrong types indicate bad app code, and should not be allowed
to introduce corrupt database values.

Cameron Simpson <cs(a)> DoD#743

That particular mistake will not be repeated. There are plenty of mistakes
left that have not yet been used. - Andy Tanenbaum <ast(a)>
From: Peter Otten on
Cameron Simpson wrote:

> and it's failing. I've traced the failure cause, ending up with this
> assertion message from the end of serialise() above:
> AssertionError: <class '__main__.Node'> HOST:foo:{} <class
> 'cs.nodedb.node.Node'>
> Experienced users will see at once what's happened: I've made a Node
> myself in the test using the local class, and the Node class is thus
> __main__.Node. However, my sql Backend class has independently imported
> the "Node" and "Backend" classes from "cs.nodedb.node". So when _it_
> calls serialise(), "Node" is "cs.nodedb.node.Node".
> And lo, the:
> if isinstance(value, Node):
> test at the top of serialise() fails.
> What's a sensible way of doing this correctly?

Move the unit tests into a separate script and have that import the module

In general, avoid importing a module and at the same time using it as the
main script. When persistent objects are involved "the same time" can even
spread over distinct runs of separate scripts accessing the same data.

Obvious? But you asked for a /sensible/ way.
