From: Lucky Nl on
Hi ,
I want to round the my floating point result into nearest halfpoint
how to do it.
1)My floating point result is 3.3
i want it become 3.5
2) My floating point result is 3.6
i want it become 4

How can we do it
Posted via

From: Robert Klemme on
2010/5/26 Lucky Nl <lakshmi27.u(a)>:
>  I want to round the my floating point result into nearest halfpoint
> .how to do it.
>  Example:
>   1)My floating point result is 3.3
>                      i want it become 3.5
>  2) My floating point result is 3.6
>                      i want it become 4

If you are rounding then 3.6 should yield 3.5 because (3.6 - 3.5) <<
(4 - 3.6). Otherwise you want the ceiling function.

> How can we do it

irb(main):012:0> [3.3, 3.6].map {|x| (x * 2).round / 2.0}
=> [3.5, 3.5]
irb(main):014:0> [3.3, 3.6].map {|x| (x * 2).ceil / 2.0}
=> [3.5, 4.0]

Btw, I would rather not round float values and use them as they are.
If at all I would usually only round them for output.



remember.guy do |as, often| as.you_can - without end

From: Benoit Daloze on
On 26 May 2010 15:09, Robert Klemme <shortcutter(a)> wrote:
> robert
Arf, you answered before I did finish my answer.

.. was looking the exact names for rounding in BigDecimal.mode ..
