From: 1ncubu5 on
Hi all, hoping someone can help me here...

I have the following two scripts, one reads the values of a key and one
reads the subkeys of the key:

dim fs, a, x, y

Const HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE = &H80000002

Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

Set a = fs.CreateTextFile("C:\apps\Output.xls", True)

strComputer = "."

Set objRegistry = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & strComputer &

strKeyPath = "SOFTWARE\Landmark Graphics Corporation\EDT\5000.1"

objRegistry.EnumValues HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, strKeyPath, arrValueNames,

For i = 0 to Ubound(arrValueNames)

strValueName = arrValueNames(i)

objRegistry.GetStringValue HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, strKeyPath, strValueName,

x = x & strValueName & " -- " & strValue & vbCrLf



strComputer = "."

strKeyPath = "SOFTWARE\Landmark Graphics Corporation\EDT\5000.1"

Set objRegistry = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" &
strComputer & "\root\default:StdRegProv")

EchoSubkeys HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, strKeypath

Sub EchoSubkeys(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, strKeyPath)

objRegistry.EnumKey HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, strKeyPath, arrSubkeys

If IsArray(arrSubkeys) Then

For Each strSubkey In arrSubkeys

EchoSubkeys HKLM, strKeyPath & "\" & strSubkey


End If

y = y & strKeyPath & vbCrLf

End Sub


Now I would like to be able to output the subkeys of the key, and the
subkeys of the subkeys....AND on top of that output the values of all the
subkeys, I know it is probably quite easy but just can't get it to work.

Any help much appreciated