From: FT T on
In my m file I use "eigs" command for a long loop and when the program runs it keeps prompting "Iteration 1: a few Ritz values of the 6-by-6 matrix:" in the MATLAB main page. The program works fine but this prompting make the running time much slower than what it should be. Could you help me how I can turn off this prompting please.
From: Joseph on
Have you tried turning off the diagnostics display (set with options.disp)?

"FT T" <ftavassoli(a)> wrote in message <i3v5qk$62$1(a)>...
> Hi,
> In my m file I use "eigs" command for a long loop and when the program runs it keeps prompting "Iteration 1: a few Ritz values of the 6-by-6 matrix:" in the MATLAB main page. The program works fine but this prompting make the running time much slower than what it should be. Could you help me how I can turn off this prompting please.
> Thanks