From: Ingo Hanke on

I have a form where I have to populate different combo boxes at
different stages with data from a separate database.
I’m trying to write a Function that would easily repeat the task, the
main problem is specifying what combo box to use. This is what I
think it should look like.

Public Sub LoadCB(cbName As Control, SelectionString As String)
cbCount = 0
Set rstLoadCB = VMSDatabase.OpenRecordset(SelectionString)
With rstLoadCB
For each X in rstLoadCB
cbName.AddItem (current record)
End If
end With
End Sub

I’m not having any luck with all my variations of the code, could
someone please help me

Regards Ingo

From: BruceM via on
If you intend to open a database you need to let Access know where it is,
maybe something like this:

Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim strPath As String, strMsg As String, strTitle As String

strPath = "\\ServerName\ShareName\DatabaseName.mdb"
Set db = OpenDatabase(strPath)
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset("TableName", dbOpenDynaset)

AFAIK you can't loop through a recordset as you have shown, but in any case
what is X supposed to be? It seems you may be trying to loop through
controls, but in that case you won't find them in a recordset.

Why not link to the tables you need? It's difficult to sort out what you are
trying to do, but some more explanation would help.

Ingo Hanke wrote:
>I have a form where I have to populate different combo boxes at
>different stages with data from a separate database.
>I'm trying to write a Function that would easily repeat the task, the
>main problem is specifying what combo box to use. This is what I
>think it should look like.
>Public Sub LoadCB(cbName As Control, SelectionString As String)
>cbCount = 0
>Set rstLoadCB = VMSDatabase.OpenRecordset(SelectionString)
>With rstLoadCB
> For each X in rstLoadCB
> cbName.AddItem (current record)
> Next
> End If
>end With
>End Sub
>I'm not having any luck with all my variations of the code, could
>someone please help me
>Regards Ingo

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