From: Volker Bartheld on

I was playing a litte with wxAnimation and wxAnimationCtrl in wxWidgets
2.8.0. Does it have a reason why the enum value wxANIM_TYPE_ANY (see
%WXDIR%include\wx\animdecod.h) is encapsulated in


? I think, wxAnimation could be well used without wxUSE_STREAMS being
defined. At least

wxAnimation TheAnimation;
if(TheAnimation.LoadFile(fileName, (wxAnimationType)3 /*wxANIM_TYPE_ANY*/)) // was the animation loaded correctly from the file?
m_animationCtrl=new wxAnimationCtrl(this, wxID_ANY, TheAnimation); // create the control
m_animationCtrl->Play(); // and play it

worked fine for me.

Another little question: Since wxAnimationCtrl was formely called
wxGIFAnimationCtrl and also exposes a different interface, I find myself
in need to use some defines to branch between wxW-versions. In this

# if (wxVERSION_NUMBER>=2800)
wxAnimation TheAnimation;
if(TheAnimation.LoadFile(fileName, (wxAnimationType)3 /*wxANIM_TYPE_ANY*/)) // was the animation loaded correctly from the file?
m_animationCtrl=new wxAnimationCtrl(m_imageArea, wxID_ANY, TheAnimation); // create the control
m_animationCtrl->Play(); // and play it
} // if(TheAnimation.LoadFile(fileName, (wxAnimationType)3 /*wxANIM_TYPE_ANY*/))
# else // #if (wxVERSION_NUMBER>=2800)
m_animationCtrl=new wxGIFAnimationCtrl(m_imageArea, wxID_ANY, fileName); // create wxGIFAnimationCtrl from file
if(m_animationCtrl::IsValid()) m_animationCtrl->Play(); // and play if valid
# endif // #if (wxVERSION_NUMBER>=2800)

seemed the way to go. However, at the definition of wxVERSION_NUMBER in
%WXDIR%\include\wx\version.h, I read the following comment:

/* some more defines, not really sure if they're [still] useful */

So - is there a better way to do this branch?

Thanks a lot and greets from Munich,

Mail replies to/an V B A R T H E L D at G M X dot D E
From: Francesco Montorsi on
Volker Bartheld ha scritto:
> Hi!
> I was playing a litte with wxAnimation and wxAnimationCtrl in wxWidgets
> 2.8.0. Does it have a reason why the enum value wxANIM_TYPE_ANY (see
> %WXDIR%include\wx\animdecod.h) is encapsulated in
> #endif
> ?
the only way to load data into a wxAnimationDecoder-derived class is by
using the Load( wxInputStream& stream ) function; if wx streams are
disabled, then wxAnimationDecoder classes wouldn't be very useful...

> I think, wxAnimation could be well used without wxUSE_STREAMS being
> defined. At least
> wxAnimation TheAnimation;
> if(TheAnimation.LoadFile(fileName, (wxAnimationType)3 /*wxANIM_TYPE_ANY*/)) // was the animation loaded correctly from the file?
> {
> m_animationCtrl=new wxAnimationCtrl(this, wxID_ANY, TheAnimation); // create the control
> m_animationCtrl->Play(); // and play it
> }
> worked fine for me.
with wxUSE_STREAMS==0 ?
It seems strange to me as wxAnimation::LoadFile uses wxFileInputStream
(at least in its generic implementation - in GTK version uses a native
function). Are you using wxGTK?

> Another little question: Since wxAnimationCtrl was formely called
> wxGIFAnimationCtrl and also exposes a different interface, I find myself
> in need to use some defines to branch between wxW-versions. In this
> case,
> # if (wxVERSION_NUMBER>=2800)
> wxAnimation TheAnimation;
> if(TheAnimation.LoadFile(fileName, (wxAnimationType)3 /*wxANIM_TYPE_ANY*/)) // was the animation loaded correctly from the file?
> {
> m_animationCtrl=new wxAnimationCtrl(m_imageArea, wxID_ANY, TheAnimation); // create the control
> m_animationCtrl->Play(); // and play it
> } // if(TheAnimation.LoadFile(fileName, (wxAnimationType)3 /*wxANIM_TYPE_ANY*/))
> # else // #if (wxVERSION_NUMBER>=2800)
> m_animationCtrl=new wxGIFAnimationCtrl(m_imageArea, wxID_ANY, fileName); // create wxGIFAnimationCtrl from file
> if(m_animationCtrl::IsValid()) m_animationCtrl->Play(); // and play if valid
I guess the :: are a -> in the line above, isn't it?

> # endif // #if (wxVERSION_NUMBER>=2800)
> seemed the way to go.
yes, seems good to me (if you want to support wx < 2.8)

> However, at the definition of wxVERSION_NUMBER in
> %WXDIR%\include\wx\version.h, I read the following comment:
> /* some more defines, not really sure if they're [still] useful */
> So - is there a better way to do this branch?
probably using the wxCHECK_VERSION macro would be a more reliable (and
supported) way to do it.


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From: Volker Bartheld on
Hi Francesco!

>> I was playing a litte with wxAnimation and wxAnimationCtrl in wxWidgets
>> 2.8.0. Does it have a reason why the enum value wxANIM_TYPE_ANY (see
>> %WXDIR%include\wx\animdecod.h) is encapsulated in
>> #if wxUSE_STREAMS
>> #endif
>> I think, wxAnimation could be well used without wxUSE_STREAMS being
>> defined.

>with wxUSE_STREAMS==0 ?

After a night's sleep, it seems like either I must have been totally
confused when I wrote that post or IntelliSense/Visual Assist's
autocomplete played me a nasty trick.

Note the slight but subtle difference between
.. *D-O-H*

And, yes, wxUSE_STREAMS was defined 1 (by default) in my project and
animate.h happily includes animdecod.h, which has the

Sorry. My bad.

Mail replies to/an V B A R T H E L D at G M X dot D E
From: Francesco Montorsi on
Volker Bartheld ha scritto:
> Hi Francesco!
>>> I was playing a litte with wxAnimation and wxAnimationCtrl in wxWidgets
>>> 2.8.0. Does it have a reason why the enum value wxANIM_TYPE_ANY (see
>>> %WXDIR%include\wx\animdecod.h) is encapsulated in
>>> #if wxUSE_STREAMS
>>> #endif
>>> I think, wxAnimation could be well used without wxUSE_STREAMS being
>>> defined.
>> with wxUSE_STREAMS==0 ?
> After a night's sleep, it seems like either I must have been totally
> confused when I wrote that post or IntelliSense/Visual Assist's
> autocomplete played me a nasty trick.
no problem ;)

> Note the slight but subtle difference between
> and
> . *D-O-H*
whops; this lead me to note that docs are using old-style wxANIM_*
enums; I've submitted a patch to fix them.


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